chrissy f. the baddest bitchh y0u will pr0bably ever meet.[: im crazyy. -Takenn.i am 16 yrs yunngg.'ndd im a s0phm0ree bigg nigg.&+' i havee a beautiful daughter namedd Elizabeth Jean C0mer.i jus had her 0n March.23.09,,and she is s00 w0nderful. preppy. [: .ive learned t0 date like a man s0 y0u d0nt get played like a bitch.thee bestieeS:Alicia Camer0n, Rachel C0mer 'ndd kennedy y0ungg.,[d0ntt get it wr0ng nig'gaa].i like t0 &+'0utg0ingg.rand0mm.there w0n't be a weekend when im just sitting at home if i d0n't havee thee baby.-ahaha'gay &+' a half.i l0ve t0 freakin have fun and g0 bitchyy.yuu'will never ever meet anywayy like mee.i am my 0wn pers0n and i d0n't care if yuu'judge me 0r n0t. becuzz guess whatt fukk bitchezz gett m0neyy.get to kn0 me i will rckk yer w0rld. =] C0MM3NTT A HUST-LAA.<3 M3SSA633. ADD A BALL'3RR.