Nefertiti the most beautiful woman in the world. (Her story)
Arguably, to those who are not very involved in the study of ancient Egypt, Queen Nefertiti is perhaps better known than her husband, the heretic king Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV). It is said that even in...Posted by Miguel Angel on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 04:43:00 PST
After this i can go trough anything... (Death)
As you all know my sister Maria Teresa died May 20 2007 in a terrible accident. I went trough alot of pain cause she was my closest sister. I learn so much trough her death on of the things is that I ...Posted by Miguel Angel on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 11:34:00 PST
I was hearing the radio the other day and they were saying that this 2 companies want to stop the hunger in America but what about the rest of the world? There are many places were they are people dyi...Posted by Miguel Angel on Wed, 09 May 2007 04:49:00 PST
Drugs make people suffer...
Crystal makes the person that uses drugs sufer but the people around them is the one who suffers more...This is one the anouncement on one of the gay magazines. Please stay out of drugs. It will not o...Posted by Miguel Angel on Fri, 04 May 2007 03:05:00 PST
Crystal & Alcohol Effects...
Lately in the gay society and in the straight one too people are getting more in to the drug scene. Right now if you read the gay magazines people are using Crystal met like crazy. This drug is one of...Posted by Miguel Angel on Wed, 02 May 2007 04:21:00 PST
A lie...
I don't understand why young gay and stright kids between 14 and 21 want to be Divas have glamour seriously alot of those kids want to live in a world that is a lie that is not tue. They have put thei...Posted by Miguel Angel on Wed, 02 May 2007 04:01:00 PST