Fashion, Travel, AM 570 Talk Radio, Political turmoil, Reading, Writing
People who enjoy being themselves and don't bottle emotion. People who wake up every morning to make memories. The greatest gifts to me are smiles, and especially whole hearted laughter. I love to smile!!! If you can "act a fool," and know when to put on the breaks, there will be lots of unauthorized fun havin'!!!
Uncle Luke, dance, gangsta' gangsta' rap rap!
All Jim Carey Movies...Zoolander, I've been known to quote almost every movie I've seen, but I lean toward Comedy.
I'm obsesed with The Contender, Glenn Beck, and the O'reilly Factor! Dont hate!
Thank You For Smoking, Muzzled by Michael Smirkonish, and I'm a huge Zora Neale Hurston fan.
My father, for teaching me the importance of honesty, meaning of unconditional love.