Your Life: The Soundtrack
Created by aiko and taken 26350 times on bzoink!
Opening credits House of Pain - Jump Around
Waking up Blink 182 - Dammit
Average day Slick Shoes - Another Day
First date Rufio - One Slowdance
Falling in love Slick Shoes - Angel Without Wings
Love scene Something Corporate - My Konstintine
Fight scene As I Lay Dying - Losing Sight
Breaking up Dashboard Confessional - The Best Deceptions
Getting back together Simple Plan - I'd Do Anything
Secret love Fall Out Boy - Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy?
Life's okay MxPx - Im Ok Your Ok
Mental breakdown Underoath - Reinventing Your Exit
Driving Rihanna - Shut Up And Drive
Learning a lesson Relient K - Who I Am Hates Who I've Been
Deep thought Five Iron Frenzy - Dandilions
Flashback Green Day - Time of Your Life
Partying Less Than Jake - All Of My Best Friends Are Metal Heads
Happy dance Coyote Shivers - Sugar High
Regreting The Youth Ahead - Sorry, I Guess
Long night alone Hawk Nelson - 36 Days
Death scene Flyleaf - Fully Alive
Closing credits Darrell Evans - Trading My Sorrows
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You are RENT. You take on AIDS through a rock-opera
atmosphere. You are somehow able to be choc
full of glamor and gritty reality at the same
time. You are very entertaining, but you also
teach a poignant message at the same time.Your songs include "Seasons of Love,"
"La Vie Boheme," and "What You
What Broadway Musical Are You?
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