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John Kaos

About Me

My Government name is John Wallace, but several Rappers, fans, and labels know me as John Kaos. I got my name years ago back when I used to Rap in Cyphers. I was known for hard hitting punch lines and topics that usually caused Choas in the Cypher.From that John Kaos was born. But now I'm ready to let the world know my name, I want people to know that hip hop runs through my veins.I want people to hear this music that,local fans, djs like Squirrel wide, my peers and many others have heard. So I keep striving and making good music until my time comes. Right know I'm making my album, Along with a mix tape with all original material. I'm also giving samples of my songs to anyone that will take them. I'm just striving to do what I was put on this earth to do, good music.I've been doing hip hop for over 20 years now. In my early years I was not a Rapper, I was a beat box. I fell in love with Hip Hop the culture, what it's about the way it makes me feel when I'm doing it or listening to it. Hip Hop has made me realize that I can make people pay attention to me. I've ripped countless open mics in Baltimore, night clubs in Virginia, the House of Blues in Atlantic City and more venues to come.All I need is one chance to show the world what John Kaos is made of And bring real Hip Hop back to the game.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/7/2006
Type of Label: Major

My Blog


I think I speak for all the hip hop artist thats really hot and have hot shit to offer, Fuck the industry right now. Simply said because these industry A&R's keep puttin this garbage on that we ca...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:42:00 GMT