Travelling (I'm really looking forward to the Italy trip in May!!!!), church/missions (I hope to go on another missions trip next summer!!!), spending time with my four lovely nieces (both of my sisters have two girls each--adorable!!!), family and friends (you know who you are!!!), theatre (acting, writing, attending), music, reading, hiking/fishing/fun sports (you all know I love to be active, but I'm not a sports/fitness fanatic or anything), art (Sistine Chapel, here I come!!!), learning about new things . . . like OU football!!! (thank goodness for!!!).
I'm here to stay in touch with friends.
Music has always been an important part of my life. From infancy, spiritual music/gospel songs have profoundly "affected" me. To this day, when I'm feeling "blue," I grab a hymn book and sing those songs that soothe my soul. . . . High school for me was mid-to-late 80s music, so hearing those songs always brings a great smile to my face (gotta love the BIG HAIR!). In college, Nirvana held my attention and respect, but when I had great difficulty waking up for class in the morning--after going to school full time and working two jobs--I would BLARE AC/DC music--which never failed me. (I would literally SPRING out of bed!) Classical music and jazz/blues music are everyday staples--there's rarely a time when I'm not in the mood to hear either. I've never been a fan of rap music or "too-twangy" country, but everything else is fair game, depending on my mood or "need." Concerts: The most unforgettable? The Village People. (Yes, I'm serious.)
Depending on the mood I'm in . . . but I love action/adventure and a good romantic comedy. LAST MOVIES I WATCHED AND LOVED: "The Ron Clark Story" and "An Inconvenient Truth"
I haven't been watching any TV lately . . . but I am definitely a Reality Show fanatic. I love watching home improvement shows on TLC and HGTV. But I loathe the Lifetime Channel programming.
I am currently studying the book of LUKE, C. S. Lewis' MERE CHRISTIANITY, Gandhi's AUTOBIOGRAPHY, and Mother Teresa's IN MY OWN WORDS.
My heroes include Mother Teresa, my mom and my sisters,and my pastor's wife.My maternal grandparents, my paternal grandmother, my father, and my pastor have all had a profound impact on my life and should be listed here, too.