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[V]Kyle DaMongoose

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The best rollerblader in Lake County, Indiana. One of The Top Five Rollerbladers in my Region. Top Ten Rollerbladers in the Midwest. RANK 35 IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND OUR OUTLINING TERRITORIES AND DEPENDENCIES.

This is the Official Myspace of Kyle DaMongoose,

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Your Famous Last Words Will Be:
"NO RALPH, WRONG PLUG!" What Will Your Famous Last Words Be? I'm American, thats what matters. I'm not easy to figure out, I'm confusing. If you want to truly know me your out of luck unless you wanna meet me in the flesh.
I've been on the Music Scene in Highland two years now. I started as a roadie at Beancounters, then became a Asst. Barrista their, then (when my dad forced me to quite for school) I through my first show at Highland's First Presbyterian Church. It could have gone way better but I'm thankful it didn't go way worse.
I don't act gangster. I'm fucking sk8erboy all day ever day. My sons will be sk8erboys. Their sons will be sk8erboys. I've been getting shit all my life because I don't 'act black'. Well too fucking bad. My grandpa was Irish bitches, so sit on it. I AINT PUTTING A SHOW ON FOR ANYBODY.
I graduated from highschool a year early. In the process of getting into Notre Dame cause I'm sick of everybody saying I'm do dumb to do such a thing. I am at Purdue Calumet, struggling to hold on to my precious B average. I went to two Highschools by the way, Highland AND [triumphant chorus]Griffith.
Uh...fuck everything. Hoobastank rocks.
I drink protien shakes, Guiness, Grey Goose with Oreo Ice Cream as a chaser, and my favorite pop drinks are Italian Sodas. I eat Chow Mein and Mongolian Beef like theres no 2morrow. I hate watermellon. Just do.
I don't drive cause I got screwed at the BMV on count of my eye. (I have Peter's Anomoly, it's named after Czar Peter the Great of Russia ).
I like blading in the spring and summer and I bike in the late fall and winter.
I am a Dynasty Warriors maniac.
I like to hang with my buds AMAP (that means as much as possible and I basically role with everybody cause it dosn't matter to me where you came from, what you came from and what your doing in your bedroom cause at the end of the day, we're all human, we all have red blood, and we all just want to be happy while we're here cause let me tell you something folks, once this is over, it's over. The noble ones will be raised to the heavens while others will be loss to oblvion...thats just the way the cookie crumbles.
My faults? I'm no Playgirl model(hince all the Dynasy Warrior pics I use for Avatars.) Brady Quinn fucking rocks. Everything else, my body, my grades, my career, is under construction. Pretty much if you think I'm too much to handle then your a pussy cause I've been handling myself quite well these 20 years of existence and I'm ok...well for the most part (just kidding, I'm fine as a fox.)
The regional band Dear Noel is compossed of 4 of my best friends and one friend who goes way back with me, all theway to the highschool lunch table.(I LOVE YOU J-LEW!)
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayoutsThis is what its about right here... Jordan, Jason, Dancing in the Days of the old Beancounters

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My Interests

Nuclear Sience,Writing,Architecture,Environment,

I'd like to meet:

As far as dating goes? Hell, I'd date an Anaconda if it means a kiss at the end of the night!

SHAKIRA. One of the only females on this earth that could ever fully understand me. Scarlett Johansson. You wanna know whats the best part? Those guns are real.Brady Quinn. He's fucking undeniable.Apolo Anton Ohno
Ralph Overcash III. Fucking met this dude right out of the blue and two months later we're brothers.



Hoobustank,Marc Bruossard,Keane,Oasis,Murphy-Lee,Dear Noel,The Elation,The Honour Recital,30 SECONDS TO MARS,Five for Fighting


The Perfect Storm, The Shipping News, Harry Potter,


The Black Donneleys,


Harry Potter, The Baroque Cycle, American Born Chinese


The Manning Family,Rameses The Great,Howerd Dean,John Edwards,Avatar Ang, Sebastien Andrieu, my cousin Jesse

My Blog

A Gift from my hacker friends

-inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(wma|mp3) "Nirvana" put all that in google....
Posted by [V]Kyle DaMongoose on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 02:43:00 PST

My World Is Going To Hell Part 1

Why does it seem that the whole Underground Music Scene is going through hell in a hand basket?Bands are breaking up without a moments notice, people are getting maimed left and right, failed romances...
Posted by [V]Kyle DaMongoose on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 04:55:00 PST

Say The Same (Hoobastank, from the Album: Every Man For Himself)

So, I;ve been officially part of the Scene in Highland for little under a full year.In that time, I've made the greatest of friends, earned a nice little fortune, and most importantly evolved.It has b...
Posted by [V]Kyle DaMongoose on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 11:15:00 PST

Matts First Sonate

Despite the lies I'm making, my heart is yours for the taking. It is just waiting, I'll turn your tears to roses.  Mysterious, is what they called you, but I'm so curious about you. By your w...
Posted by [V]Kyle DaMongoose on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 01:09:00 PST

more upset then a horny spanish bull at a communist rally

..> more upset then a horny spanish bull at a communist rally if the title dosn't make sinse then think about it, it willme and my big mouth...Ok, purhaps I should have known better then to count m...
Posted by [V]Kyle DaMongoose on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 09:53:00 PST

You fucking drug bitches.

Your fuckin moorons, your idots, and guess what bitches, YOUR THE RETARDED ONES.Just because drugs havent fucked up your life yet or they make you feel so fucking good dosn't mean they won't and it su...
Posted by [V]Kyle DaMongoose on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 10:12:00 PST

Jake Schleitwiler

He was one of the best friends a kid could ask for. He kept me on my feet and never let me get too far elevated. He showed me their was more to life then what others thought and just cause somebody kn...
Posted by [V]Kyle DaMongoose on Fri, 04 May 2007 01:25:00 PST

New Book II

Ok, The Official title of the book is The Journal of President Kole O'Dooyearma Theirs going to be nine installments in the series. Installments 1-4 are each going to cover a single highschoo...
Posted by [V]Kyle DaMongoose on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 11:18:00 PST

Three Girlfriends.

You know what EXTREMELY pisses me off right now? For the first time in my history, girls think I'm worth something. Basically, three girls in particular. Theirs this one crazy ass Persian girl who I ...
Posted by [V]Kyle DaMongoose on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 11:02:00 PST

New Book

Title: Kole Type of book: Never-ending mega series About: A highschool freshman, Kole-Zackery O'Dooyearma, becomes the world's first real super hero after his great-grandson from the future ...
Posted by [V]Kyle DaMongoose on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 06:29:00 PST