I'm sealed with lead from the sky to edge of its small boat..I'm a sort of bean, of color celestial, in tries of my kidnapped mother from the ugly Brungan, that it lives together in a mysterious cavern to its adjuvant curses, a rather nourished group than bats robot. The undersigned, than a day it will take a human aspect and to which they will grow of the long wings, it has from its just a bracelet, gift just of the equipped mother and of marvellous powers: the star drop. But very soon I will find aid and comfort in the house of one graceful child, Rori and of her grandfather astronomer. Meanwhile I will make also the acquaintance of the animals of the forest, between which Kumandòn, a large bear that in any case tries to eat me(even if will not never make it, because in bottom it has a heart of gold), Rapidà n, the tiny rabbit, Accavé, a red frog in whose mouth alive the son, the small turns Gra-gra and Kyrashòn, one in love butterfly of me of course!