Kyle profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a you're average gay male living in the small city of Madison, Wisconsin. I'm a student at UW-Madison right now, on the Medical School Route; meaning one day soon i'll be able to perscribe medication. Figure that in as a perk of knowing me. :P As is the general question for people searching, I do have a boyfriend currently, but am totally avaliable to making some new friends (and maybe occasional drunk makeout buddies [:P]).

My Interests

I have interests all over the place and probably could keep hold in most casual conversations.

I'd like to meet:

Cool people who will make myspace actually worth my time. I'm not honestly on here a whole lot so if I don't respond to a message right away, don't think I'm not interested. People I am most definately not interested in however, are our local spammers; add me as a friend and spam me and that'll get your fat ass blocked. :smile: My AIM name is: CerberusInErebus so instead of messaging and saying, wanna chat? Just do it :) It's the internet so there is no need to be shy.


Again, all over the place. I'm not very vehement about any genres in particular, well except country. If I wanted twang, I'd just look down!


Sex and the City, Grey's Anatomy, Scrubs, South Park

My Blog

The Revelation

..Okay, so I was going to bitch in this blog about how people always message me and say "Hey, wanna chat" because to me, why ask my permission, just IM me... until I realized that no where on here did...
Posted by Kyle on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 11:29:00 PST

The Burn

Okay, so in case anyone was ever wondering, why isn't Kyle ever on Myspace, let me list the reasons. Before that though, I must interject that all of these reasons have become a problem in the 30 minu...
Posted by Kyle on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 12:57:00 PST