the Dj life. percussives. beer in the AM and coffee in the PM. gettin my BONE on. that's right I said it!other junk too. feel afraid to ask!
more of the freakish denizens of this little rocky planet we call home.
Dj Cuddlefish (zats ah mee-ah!). Dj Krush. Vladislav Delay. Tim Hecker. Luomo. Uusitalo. Audible Murmurs (zat's ah mee-ah too!) Awful Majesty and NIGHT MOTHER. you HAVE to do a song called 'the bosom of darkness'there's more, there's ALWAYS MOOOOORE *evil cackle*
Fight Club. Shawshank Redemption. Waking Life. a Scanner Darkly.
Tv's for punks! I hope I don't get caught watching it!
Physics textbooks. I eat 'em up.
you and you and YOU!