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Imagine a world without creativity's

About Me

.. This page shows how a beautiful Earth became polluted over time due to human carelessness. It changed once again into a clean, safe waterway thanks to new laws and hard work by people who cared about the environment. These people made a difference! We can do the same. We all want the earth to be clean and safe for children, grownups, and all living things now and in the future.

..Khyrul Alfie was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and his interest in art wasstoked at a young age in primary school. Although, art lesons were not an option, Alfie persevered in his interest and learned and improved under his own steam. He later attended the local college and graduated in Computer and Graphics Design and self thought in fine art. Alfie now works as a Graphic Designer in a local Publishing Company in Malaysia, thus chanelling his creativity into the commercial world. Undaunted on the side Alfie’s deep passion in fine arts has also led him to seek tutelage under prominent Malaysian artists like a Yusuf Gajah(The Master Naive Of Malaysia), Osman Akhbar (Watercolorist-Traditional Malaysian House Culture) and Sabri Salleh Abstract Expressionist).Alfie’s work philosophy is predicated on being ‘free’, spontaneity and simplicity. Todate, he has show case his work in several local art exhibitions and an international exhibition. Alfie’s work resonates with an eclectic mix of contemporary and traditional. Alfie has carved a name for himself in the local art scene for his ‘tempayan’ (a traditional malay water urn)and ‘kura-kura’(tortoise)series. When asked about his interests in the ‘tempayan’ and ‘kura-kura’ – Alfie’s response was that ‘kura-kura’ has a long life while the‘tempayan’is a receptacle that holds water and water is essential for life. Alfie wants his art to reflect the importance and continuity in life and his vibrant colours add the much needed splashes that we all look forward to in life!

Malaysian Naive Art Showcase '08

Organize by GajahGajah Gallery & Annexe Gallery

..NAIF menurut Kamus Dewan terbitan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) bermaksud terlalu lurus atau betul bendul. Ia menggambarkan tentang kejujuran yang dikaitkan dengan pemikiran serta perbuatan seseorang.Sayangnya, apabila naif dikaitkan dengan seni catan, ia kurang mendapat perhatian ramai kerana sifat karya seni itu yang diterjemahkan sebagai kebudak-budakan, tidak serius dan terlalu mudah gaya pengkaryaannya.
Bahkan, seni catan gaya naif juga dianggap sebagai tidak mencabar dengan alasan ia boleh dilakukan, direkacipta oleh sesiapa sahaja, sedangkan hakikatnya seni itu turut mempunyai ramuan-ramuan formalistik yang harus dipelajari oleh para pengkaryanya.
Menyedari hakikat itu, pelukis terkenal, Yusof Gajah telah menganjurkan pameran berkumpulan seni catan naif, Malaysian Naive Art Showcase 08 di Pasar Seni, Kuala Lumpur bermula 8 Mei sehingga 25 Mei ini bagi memperkembangkan lagi seni catan tersebut yang dikatakan tersisih daripada penggemarnya. Menurut Yusof yang dikenali sebagai Bapa Pelukis Naif Malaysia, seni catan naif cukup penting kerana pelbagai gaya, idea, pemikiran dan latar budaya setempat boleh diketengahkan menerusi sesuatu karya yang kononnya dikatakan naif itu. "Kita kena ada lukisan yang berwajah Malaysia.
Seni catan naif banyak menyumbang ke arah itu. Ini kerana, seni catan naif mempunyai arah pemikiran dan temanya yang tersendiri terutamanya tentang alam dan budaya persekitaran pengkaryanya. "Ciri-ciri kejujuran mudah terserlah kerana para pengkarya seni catan naif memaparkan apa yang mereka rasakan. Apatah lagi, kebanyakan pengkarya seni catan naif biasanya bukan daripada kalangan pelukis yang profesional. "Misalnya, mereka mungkin boleh jadi daripada kalangan kerani tetapi mempunyai minat yang mendalam dan tajam idea dalam bidang lukisan," katanya ketika ditemui pada pameran Malaysian Naive Art Showcase 08 yang telah dirasmikan oleh duta Norway di negara ini, Arild Braastad baru-baru ini.
Pameran berkumpulan pelukis seni catan naif itu merupakan kali ketiga dianjurkan di mana kali pertama telah diadakan pada 1998 dengan mempa- merkan karya empat pelukis iaitu Yusof Gajah, Zila Zain, Shima dan Azmi S.H. Sementara, pameran berkumpulan pelukis seni catan naif kedua dengan tema berjudul Appear Innocent pula telah diadakan pada 2001 dengan disertai oleh pelukis seperti Yusof Gajah, Mat Dollah dan Adeputra. Bagaimanapun, kali ini seramai 37 pelukis seni catan naif telah menyertai Malaysian Naive Art Showcase 08 dengan mempamerkan lebih 100 buah lukisan yang dijual dengan harga antara RM550 hingga RM150,000.
Gaya penceritaanKepelbagaian citra naif dapat dilihat daripada kemeriahan pesta warna-warni yang kelihatan bagaikan tidak berkesudahan dengan menampilkan pelbagai imej landskap seperti banjaran gunung, bukit-bukau, hutan-rimba, ladang pertanian, sungai, tasik dan laut. Gaya penceritaan secara visual turut menambah keragaman citra gaya naif, misalnya suasana kehidupan di bandar dan luar bandar yang boleh mengimbas kenangan serta pengalaman para pengamat sesebuah karya tersebut.
Karya-karya catan naif juga mudah untuk diidentifikasikan kerana gambaran yang diutarakan biasanya mewakili sebahagian daripada pengalaman yang pernah atau sering dilalui oleh anggota-anggota masyarakat. Persembahan visual gaya penceritaan seperti ini lazimnya mampu untuk mencetuskan kenangan-kenangan silam dalam bentuk nostalgia emotif yang memudahkan kefahaman serta apresiasi terhadap sesuatu karya gaya naif.
Turut dipaparkan menerusi pameran ini ialah unsur-unsur pribumi Melayu nusantara yang ketara menerusi identiti rumah tradisional serta bangunan dan kedai yang dibina sebelum meletusnya Perang Dunia Kedua. Selain itu, turut ditonjolkan ialah mesej tentang kesedaran terhadap penjagaan alam sekitar termasuklah peri pentingnya pemuliharaan sungai sebagai antara nadi kehidupan seperti yang dicatan menerusi karya oleh Alfie sendiri.
Wartawan oleh
ABD. AZIZ ITAR [email protected]

..Gajah Gajah Gallery is trying to possess a very large number of works by artists from all over Malaysia and one of our main objectives is to provide access to this collection to a wider public. Cultural Tourism We aim to organize a series of exhibitions throughout Malaysia and abroad, thus setting up a cultural tourism circuit on an international scale.
Participating cities, towns and cultural centers can use of this unique opportunity to create a new dynamic in local visual arts by encouraging partnership with local businesses, schools, artists and associations. The aim of these traveling exhibitions is to bring this as yet little known artistic genre to the largest possible audience. Naïve Art is accessible and attractive to all comers; its universal themes strike a chord in each and every one of us.
About naïve art... Naive (Primitive) as an art style earned significance in contemporary art and has been continually attracting attention of art critics and collectors since the last half of the 20th century. Sometimes art critics define Naive as Folk Art because of their common simplicity.
Indeed, naive artists may address folk subjects and themes in their artworks. However, Folk Art, as an attribute of a certain ethnic group is an embodiment of traditions established by the generations during ages.
Unlike the folk crafters naive artists demonstrate prominent identity of the style independently of their ethnic origin. Among the properties of Naive is disregard for traditional rules of perspective and proportion. To make an illusion of space naive artists use color effects and clearly drawn lines.
Naive artists can be divided into two groups: highly educated professional artists who use all their skills in painting, and gifted hobbyist or "Sunday painters", who paint for fun. Both these groups brake strict rules of traditional painting either deliberately (rather professional case) or upon "ignorance" (in the case of amateurs) for the aim of transferring their personal cogitation with purity of heart and thought.
Naive art is the only art style that might be delightfully positive like children..s world is. To stress the importance of an object Naive artists make it larger or brighter than all other objects in the picture, the same way as children do.
The oeuvre of a good artist reveals his attitude towards the world we live in, the naive artist in particular being rooted with absolute immediacy in his environment as, untrammeled by all theories, he strives to give pictorial form to his personal vision - on canvas, paper, wood, pasteboard, or whatever.
His way of seeing the world cannot be acquired and makes for highly individualistic art. This art cannot be copied, and any attempt to paint in "naïve style" is doomed to failure from the start.

Naive art fits nicely with Malaysia's grace by Lucien de Guise

..For the next 10 days, there will be a more playful ambience, as "naive art" is in residence.
This is not a genre that has taken Malaysia by storm so far. The local art market wants to look grown-up, and naive doesn't seem to fit that bill. Some of naive art's siblings do, however. These include "marginal art", "outsider art" and "art brut".
The last can be the coolest thing on the Manhattan auctioneer's block when it was created by a dead ex-graffiti artist like Jean-Michel Basquiat. Madonna's ex-boyfriend may have wandered the streets of New York in bare feet before he died at 27, but his paintings fetch tens of millions of ringgit.
"Naive" artists tend to have decent shoes but less street credibility. The kampung is their home. When they are accepted by the public, the art community usually dismisses them as kitsch. It's a good thing they have their freshness and goodwill to fall back on. They can expect fair treatment in some countries more than others.
In France, there are many museums dedicated to their work. In most parts of Asia, their time has yet to come.
China is one of the exceptions. Not only is naive art a widely admired medium in itself, it also extends into the mainstream. This isn't just tourists returning with armfuls of Jinshan folk art. Many of China's greatest 20th century artists could be slipped straight into the "naive" pigeonhole. Pioneers like Ding Yangyong and Cui Zifan revel in the childlike, producing works of charm and occasional profundity.
Naive art does well in places where collectors have confidence in their own taste. That means France, Japan, traditional China and, to some extent, the United States. Elsewhere, there is usually anxiety.
Which brings us to Malaysia. There is art aplenty, but is there confidence? Is it uncool to be naive when the good fight is being waged for sophistication? Wawasan 2020 never mentioned seeing the world through the forgiving eyes of innocence. The vision was meant to turn Malaysians into street fighters in the global hood. I don't think art was mentioned, and naive art would surely be for softies.
It's a shame naive art doesn't receive more admiration in Malaysia. This is in many ways its natural habitat. It is colourful and gentle and non-confrontational. Malaysia is not about angst, and why should it be? This is a country blessed by God. It's not Aceh, Myanmar or Sichuan. Malaysian communities may bicker over dividing the economic and political cake, but at least there is a cake to be divided.
No matter how hard local artists try to get some righteous anger in their hearts, they could still be depended on to do the respectful hand-kissing routine for a Hari Raya muhibah advertisement. Politics in Malaysia is also surprisingly gentlemanly. When one party dislikes another, it hurls nothing more incendiary than an insult. Even the parliamentary insults are harmless; nothing about mothers or sisters.
If France had been playing Malaysia instead of Italy in the World Cup final, Zinedine Zidane would have played the full game. And France would have won.
"Malaysian Naive Art Showcase 08" shows just how appropriate the genre is to here. Malaysia may not be ready for it yet, but those naive painters keep painting away. The prime mover is the man who acquired a name to match his large but friendly works.
Yusof Gajah is keen to get a museum going. "If there is no museum, then there is nowhere to see the works," he says in distress.
He would probably like people to buy the works as well, but the first priority is visitors. He ought to have a head start with naive art. It's a genre that can cut across all boundaries. It's not just for the 30- to 50-year-old professionals who are propping up the rest of the art scene.
I spotted some old folk at the show, and my comparatively young children put in a full uncomplaining 30 minutes. This is a personal best for them.
The time for naive art should be arriving soon, now that conceptual has reached the limits of desperate inventiveness. If art has to have a message (and Samuel Goldwyn of MGM believed "messages should only be sent by Western Union"), then it doesn't have to be a big angry message in the bad-boy tradition.
Yusof Gajah and his circle make oblique references to mankind's place in the natural world, for example. Like so much naive art, it is handled with charm and humour - that rarest of all intrusions in art.
Good-natured attitude does not always come cheap, though. Few of the paintings at this exhibition are below RM1,000 and some are very much higher.
This is not unreasonable for works with a certain professionalism and a lot of imagination. Despite appearances, they are not easy to paint. Like Malaysian politics, there is a fragile balance to be maintained.
Younger readers who want to give it a try should join Yusof Gajah at a workshop he is holding on Saturday at the Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia.
(The writer is curator of the Islamic Arts Museum in Kuala Lumpur)
.. Alfiearth Art Exhibition

Year Exhibition ..
1995 Group Visual Communication Art
1995 Young talent exhibition
1999 Maybank Group Show, Kuala Lumpur
2000 The Philip Morris Group Of Companies Art Award Show, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2000 Malaysia Craft Art Bazar
2001 Rasa sayang art tour show, Kuala Lumpur and Johor
2001 Group Show 5 Jahanam, Art Talk Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur
2001 Group Show Poem On Canvas, Art Talk Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur
2001 Decorative Naive, Montok Gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia
2001 Group Show, Percikan Seni 2001 UKM Bangi
2001 Malaysia Craft Art Bazar
2001 Stop Thimber campaign, Novotel Phuket Resort, Thailand
2002 Group Show, Islamic Art Exhibition, Malaysia Islamic Centre, Kuala Lumpur
2002 Group Show, Percikan Seni 2002 UKM Bangi
2002 Malaysia Craft Art Bazar
2002 Merdeka Art Fest, Kuala Lumpur
2002 Group Exhibition Of Siemens Power Generation for Charity, Hospital Kuala Lumpur
2003 Private Exhibition Of Cabai Is Too Hot, Kuala Lumpur
2003 Private Exhibition of Imagine When A World Without Creativity's, Kuala Lumpur
2004 Private Exhibition of Global Warming is a like "Cabai", Kuala Lumpur
2005 Tortoise Exhibition West East century Art Gallery, California
2006 Private Exhibition of Cipta Rasa, Well Well Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur
2008 Malaysian Naive Art Showcase '08, Annexe Gallery, Kuala Lumpur

Alfiearth Awards

Year Awards ..
1980 Johan acara mewarna Mickey Mouse peringkat tadika seluruh asia tenggara
1981 Johan Melukis "Ibu ku sedang berkerja",Kuala Lumpur
1983 Johan acara lari dalam guni, Sek. Ren. Jalan Ipoh
1984 Johan acara lari dengan telur, Sek. Ren Jalan Ipoh
1985 Johan mencari guli dalam Mamee, Kuala Lumpur
1986 Tempat terakhir ketegori berpantun peringkat kebangsaan (takde hadiah langsung)
1987 Naib Juara acara berlumba basikal sambil kopek kelapa, Kuala Lumpur
1988 Saguhati pidato peringkat daerah Ulu Langat
1989 Menang kereta kawalan jauh, Tikam kat kedai Yu Lee, Tmn Bkt Maluri Kepong, KL
1990 Naib Johan acara pidato peringkat sekolah-sekolah Zon Sentul, KL
1990 Johan sipi-sipi, pertandingan melukis antara kelas, Sek. Men Tmn Bkt Maluri,Kepong,KL
1990 Tempat terakhir acara akhir merentas desa yang terakhir aku masuk,Kuala Lumpur
1990 Naib Juara, Deklamasi sajak peringkat Wilayah Persekutuan, Dewan Bahasa
1991 Turun Juara, acara melukis artis kesayangan,KL
1992 Menang jackpot, Kedai game & snooker, Tmn Bkt Maluri Kepong, KL
1992 Tempat ke-14 suku, snooker tournament antara pelajar-pelajar ponteng sekolah-sekolah kawasan kepong
1992 Johan pertandingan batu seremban peringkat daerah, Malaysia Kraft, Kuala Lumpur

Alfiearth philosophy

..The next really good artist will be the person who's come out of left-field and is doing something that no-one has really seen before. They'll come out and show someone something amazing, new and different. Don't look to much at what everyone else is doing and think.
I'll do work in a similar vein. It's important to be aware of what's going on, but it seems like the majority of those artist's are looking at the contemporary scene too much and just trying to fit in.I don't see the point in that. You've got to do something new. It's all about being personal and passionate.
Artist's is defining it's own weird, new role. It's getting more respect. It's becoming interesting new development is happening.
I don't restrict myself to any technique. I do whatever seem appropriate. I love the direct acces a drawing has... i love that you still see the movement of the hand over the canvas in the lines, stroke and color combination.
I try to make my work reflect my personality and i keep a part of me in all jobs even if they's commercial. I've found this to be a great source of inspiration-motivating me to concentrate on the ideas behind the stylistic consideration.
Knowing when you've finished a piece is a problem that all artist face from time to time, honestly my opinion on the matter is when you know this is the moment to finish, it's probably a good piece. When you're not sure, well, it's probably not such a good piece of art.
I see art's as a means of telling narratives and of expressing ideas and moments. It is very much the same process as writing and some day i intend to merge two form.
Rich with narrative, it's easy to see and i would love to work on that methode and does translated into other exciting media. The other side, I'd like to see my work animated not a slightly static, or made into a film, or perhaps as a set for a play. It would be wonderful to see my vocabulary and imagery extrapolated into some other kind of medium.

Alfiearth Mission

Alfie mission is to serve the general public by providing cultural awareness,creative experience,and educational programming through the visual arts.
Alfie goal is to stimulate awareness and appreciation of the arts through changing exhibitions, lectures, studio classes and workshops that can strengthen interpretive ability and interactive creativity for both children and adults.
The original idea for an Family art programme founder by Yusof Gajah under Gajah Gajah Gallery and supporting by group of Malaysia naive artist, in recognition of the importance of the arts to everyday life, resolved to work toward the creation of a cultural climate, and the eventual building of a fine arts and cultural center. Both the League and the City agreed that an art programme would be a wonderful in our life.
Alfie vision and commitment was, and remains, to create and grow a "Fine Arts and Cultural programme for children and adults,private sector or goverment, general public, not restricted to any group or groups".
Over the years the Alfie continues to strive to implement that vision and commitment through its educational and cultural programming. The Alfiearth Gallery is committed to preserving the educational and cultural programming through reaffirming the following values:
Importance of the cultural "quality of life" benefis provided by the Alfiearth Gallery mission and programs.
Commitment to the continuation of the facility and funding partnership between the Center and the Citizens of humanity to outstanding art education and exhibitions.

organize by GajahGajah Gallery
Year Arts Events ..
1998 Young Touch , Petronas Gallery , Kuala Lumpur
1999 Artefact on canvas , Islamic Museum of Art , Kuala Lumpur .
1999 Art to Ward , Hospital University Kebangsaan , Kuala Lumpur .
2000 Art workshop , International School , Kuala Lumpur
2000 : “ one world – one humanity “ International Children painting exhibtion Yayasan seni , Kuala Lumpur .
2001 Life is Beautiful , SIEMENS sport club , SIEMENS Gallery , Kuala Lumpur
2002 Art to heart , Siltera , Kulim Kedah
2002 Art Camp , Yayasan Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur , Nur Lembah Pangsung , Selango
2003 Heart to Art , Institut Jantung Negara , Balai Seni Lukis Negara , Kuala Lumpur
2004 Love Our Enviroment , Siemen Sport Club , Siemen ,Gallery , Kuala Lumpur
2005 Free like a bird , Siemen Sport Club Kuala Lumpur
2005 Artist Colony Alice Smith International School Kuala Lumpur
2006 Langkawi young artist , Galeria Perdana Langkawi

Alfiearth Child Interest

We are all born creative,but if we neglect to develop and strengthen these skills,creativity becomes inhibited.
By assisting and encouraging a child's creativity,you set the stage for endless opportunities for that child's imagination.A healthy imagination not only creates a resourceful and productive individual,but it also builds self esteem, which is an important tool that will be used for the rest of that child's life.
When a child creates a work of art,they are not just drawing a picture,they are also creating aspects of self importance,individuality and engaging in self expression.
By sharing the gift of creativity with our children and giving them the outlet of self expression, we are setting the stage for the future of not only our community,but our society and humanity at large.

Alfiearth Media Preview

..Article from The star in art colum space-Journalist by Veronica Shunmugam
..Coming fromabusinessbackground, this is Khyrul Alfie's first art show and from his attitude alone, he might give other newer artists a run for their money.Hisinterest in artwas cut short when he was found unqualified for art studies at UiTM. Family demands also forced him to take up Business Studies and, ontheside, computerGraphic Design."However, I never gave up on art and picked up all the knowledge and experiences i could. After my tertiary studies, iworked asa designerfor several well-known advertising firms in Klang Valley. In 1999, I started as a professional artist and in 2000, I joined exhibitions,"hesays.
..Today, Alfie, 32, manages his business and his artwork through the principle of planning and making the mostoftime. And he isnot your romantic image of the struggling artist that works according to moods."It is my belief that the minute I pick up a brush, myideaswill flow. I donot depend on moods."With a palette knife, arcylics are splayed Impressionist style upon the canvas to counter what Alfie describes asthedaily grind ofwork: " I try to create a sense of harmony in my paintings, especially through the use of colour. Orange, to me, is energy. Blue, purpleandgreen reflectthat I'm trying to achieve relaxtion."A kind of calm radiates from his works series Tortoise and Tempayan II, which shows a tempayan(traditional Malay waterurn) and Senduk (Ladle).For alfie, water represents memory and relates to a clean environment and lifestyle.
.."Iuse theimage of thetempayan (water urn) which is a traditional symbol of item but 50 years ago, elders would use it to store water to wash their feet beforetheyentered theirhouse. This showed that they prioritised cleanliness and quality, even if theirs was a humble abode,"

Alfiearth In Concerts

..Article from The star in art colum space-Journalist by Grace Chen
..14 April 2007, Persembahan selama dua jam telah melonjakan satu faktor paradigma dalam kelompok puitis yang membariskan artis dan pemusik yang berkonsepkan lagu-lagu puisi dan "world sound". Selaku Penerbit, Alfie telah dipertanggungjawabkan bagi melaksanakan acara konsert lagu-lagu puisi yang telah di adakan di Auditorium Dewan Tunku Abdul Rahman (MATIC) jalan Ampang Kuala Lumpur...Berkonsepkan lagu-lagu puisi mistik dan kerohanian dendangan kumpulan Sirrfillsirr merupakan penghayatan kerohanian yang melewati dindingan alam nyata dan memasuki ke alam kerohanian yang penuh mistik. Bait-bait puisi karya saudara Isa Kamari selaku penerima anugerah S.E.A. Write Award 2006, dilagukan oleh kumpulan Sirrfillsirr mengikut genre muzik sufi yang bernafaskan 'zikir' dan 'cinta' dengan sentuhan dan getaran muzik dunia.
.. Abonation dan Nuras merupakan dua kumpulan seni memiliki ciri-ciri unik dalam penampilan idea musik mereka yang tersendiri. Berkonsepkan "World Sound" pelbagai intipati dalam seni musik tanah air yang lebih etnik telah di tonjolkan dalam persembhan mereka yang cukup mempersonakan.

Alfiearth Cover Story

....Satu Novel sastera baru yang begitu mengikat hati pembaca karya penulisan dari saudara Isa Kamari, yang tidak asing lagi kepada para pembaca novel yang sentiasa mengikuti perkembangan beliau. Dengan keterampilan gaya penulisan yang lebih serius dan teguh akan perinsip hidup sebagai Melayu Islam yang bermaustatin di Singapura, telah menjadi satu tanggungjawab untuk meneruskan perjuagan seni penulisan sastera beliau dengan satu pesanan dan matlamat dalam keperihatinan beliau terhadap senario kemelut pegangan umat terhadap Islam dan pandangan Global tentang Islam yang semakin meruncing.
Permasalahan ini telah menjurus kepada terbitnya karya novel penulisan beliau yang bertajuk TAWASSUL. Beliau beranggapan masyarakat global umumnya telah mengutuk Islam sebagai agama yang menjana kepada keganasan melalui institusi jihad. Dengan terbitnya isu-isu propaganda barat dan kebangkitan para pejuang jihad seperti kumpulan Taleban,Al-Qaedah,Hamas,Barisan Kemerdekaan Nasional MORO, Jemaat Islami Kashmir dan lain lagi telah mengugat keyakinan dunia terhadap masyarakat Islam sebagai kelompok yang cintakan kedamaian.
Beliau juga merenung akan perdebatan arena pemikir yang melumpuhkan Islam dalam menangani badai kemodenan dan perkembangan teknologi. Politik Islam dikatakan juga telah gagal. Masyarakat Islam di merata dunia kebanyakan dibelengu kemiskinan ilmu, harta dan kekuasaan. Menurut beliau lagi, Negara barat memandang dengan jelas akan peradaban Islam pada masa kini dalam kancah kemunduran dalam bidang sosial, politik, ekonomi dan budaya.

....Segala retentan pertanyaan yang sentiasa menikam benak maka terpanggil beliau bagi menawarkan sedikit pandangan serta merungkaikan permasalahan sejagat dalam bentuk suapan penulisan dalam karya novel beliau.
Berkisahkan Syan, seorang botanis menjejaki kembali perjalanan datuknya yang cenderung mencari “punca dan kebenaran empiris di sebalik alam manusia”. Kerana kecenderungan ini jugalah datuknya terputus dari tali kekeluargaan dan dianggap telah murtad.
Berpandukan buku hasil dari penyelidikan mengenai Orang Imorot yang tinggal di lembah Tuwau, Syan semakin banyak mendapat gambaran mengenai orang tempatan yang kuat berpegang kepada kepercayaan karut yang tidak berlandaskan agama serta sains dan memahami kenapa datuknya dituduh murtad oleh bapa mertuanya.
Watak demi watak dan peristiwa demi peristiwa yang diperkenalkan serta didedahkan akan membawa kita ke hujung persoalan.
Antara cebisan dari petikan sinopsis Tawassul untuk wadah kepada pembaca yang sentiasa mengikuti perkembangan karya tulisan beliau. Selepas kejayaan beberapa tajuk novel seperti ‘Atas Nama Cinta’ dan ‘Memeluk Gerhana’, Beliau juga telah menerima beberapa anugerah yang berprestij dan diantaranya S.E.A Write Award 2006. Segala keperitan beliau dalam memperjuangkan karya-karya nasional tidak menjadi sia-sia dengan pengiktirafan yang menyokong lagi akan pembabitan terhadap dunia penulisan nusantara khususnya.

....Penghasilan novel Tawassul, satu kolaborasi bagi merialisasikan kulit buku novel Tawassul melahirkan satu perasaan dalam bentuk komunikasi visual tapak yang di olah oleh pereka grafik dan juga seorang pelukis seni ia itu saudara Khyrul Alfie atau singkatan kepada Alfie. Beliau yang agak senonim dengan gaya catan yang bersifat ekpressi kotemporari naïf. Permainan warna serta bentuk visual yang terang memberi satu gambaran jelas tentang persekitaran ekosistem global yang semakin songsang dan berjaya mengwujudkan satu bentuk naratif dan seiring dengan sensitiviti penulis tentang karya novel Tawassul.
Karya-karya lukisan Alfie yang semakin condong akan permasalahan dunia dimana keadaan dunia semakin panas dengan isu-isu kemusnahan eko sistem, baik samada dari segi kehidupan sosial, politik dan ekonomi yang semakin pesat membangun menuju satu matlamat kemajuan sehingga meminggirkan kestabilan warisan kahzanah alam yang semakin pupus.
Kepada para peminat novel, Tawassul dijangkakan akan berada di dalam pasaran pada pertengahan bulan Mac tahun 2008. Perasmian novel Tawassul telah dirancang untuk diraikan pada bulan April seiring bersama dengan perlancaran Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur bertempat di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC). Kepada para pembaca dan pengikut karya Isa Kamari khususnya, nantikan akan terbitnya satu novel yang bertajuk TAWASSUL.

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Ucapan Slam Eidulfitri kepada para sahabat

Posted by Alfiearth on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 04:37:00 PST

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Malaysian Naive Art Showcase 2008

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