the constant gardner profile picture

the constant gardner

kiss your momma face!

About Me

small... forgetful... accident prone... cute... bad dancer... absent minded... sleepy... well meaning... tendancy to look bored when i'm not... usually covered in bruises... becoming nocternal... a hopeful romantic... if i eat the wrong flavour of crisps i'll be in a bad mood for the rest of the day...

My Interests

buying clothes and then not wearing them... buying impractical shoes... djing at slash... watching made-for-t.v movies... trying to improve my memory... trying to deal with my bed head... drinking white rioja... getting lost... being late for everything and averaging 30 minutes tardy... sharks and if they've eaten anyone... being frightened by scary things... laughing at people... binge eating crisps... loving magners and pork scratchings... trying to be ladylike and well behaved... watching romantic comedies and sighing a lot... eating too much rocket... hating my indecision... generally being sad... obssessing over tony soprano's voice... giving greasy lipped men my phone number in return for a pint... 'the legend of zelda - ocarina of time'... will i ever complete it?? could the controls be anymore annoying... people in fancy dress losing their tempers... mysterious goings on at sea... and having my foot run over by an old person in a mobility vehicle... old people who never apologise...

I'd like to meet:

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fleetwood mac... the smiths... morrissey... the makeup... talking heads... pavement... tristeza... tindersticks... neutral milk hotel... beat happening... les savy fav... liars... will oldham/ palace brothers... rftc... fugazi... sea and cake... ESG... cursive... the ramones... blondie... PIL... gang of four... magazine... felt... daniel johnston... deathcab for cutie... chinese stars... kate bush... devo... shellac... johnny cash... life without buildings... my bloody valentine... halo benders... smog... cheap trick... jad fair... the fall... 10cc... billy childish... little wings... 90 day men... the pastels... minor threat... half japanese... the minutemen... low... the hoffmeister - loving the song at the end of baywatch - any baywatch related music... olivia tremor control... lambchop... ex models... hood... slowdive...


susperia... dressed to kill... exaliber... spirited away... woody allen films... bonnie and clyde... some like it hot... double indemnity... taxi driver... the wild bunch... nosferatu... metropolis... the wickerman... blade runner... goodfellas... the last picture show... romancing the stone... the wedding crashers... planes trains and automobiles... national lampoons... police academy films... top gun... the sting... rebel without a cause... tootsie...




funniest book ever: the diary of a nobody.... catch 22... la bete humaine... the brothers karamazov... katherine mansfield's short stories... mrs dalloway... the fairytales of herman hesse... alice through the looking glass... the eumenides and greek tragedy... love in the time of cholera... slaughterhouse five... the new york trilogy... artists and models... anything by ann radcliffe, wilkie collins, mary shelley, anais nin, jane austen, and thomas hardy... 18th century gothic fiction...


this guy...