my interests starts with going to them hot spots ,swimming ,drawing , dancing , anything to do with art and graphic or paint also musics would be one of the greatest things tells alot about a person when it comes to what music there into.....I love traveling and just seeing and learning new and exciting things.....I like living life sometimes like its the last.try it sometime .....
a GrEeN DAY...................THe uSEd...............StOrY Of The.....senses cemical romaince........ yEAr...............Sp........underoath .......yellow card..................the killers.........fall out boy......the fighter....the starting line....five tomes august
detroit rock city....................willy wonka and c..............fight club.......... MeAn GiRlS guy...............king of the hill..............the OC...........ch7news..............mtv
The Hottest statesexymagazinesGQ....spin....mens health..ex
spider man..............ME!!...................n my hand.........yeeeeaHHHH!!!!