"Have you been using those supahfly, funkadelic maneuvers of yours?" ~Eric
"Sexy isn't what you wear, It's how you take it off" ~Gianna
"I can always read guys, but for some reason I am totally clueless about you!" ~Ashleigh
"I think you live this alternative life in your head. That's what made the supreme being you portray yourself to be. It's like you are... actually nevermind there are too many things that tie into the weirdness that you are." ~Amanda
"You are a man of mystery. You can't ever tell what's next with you and dammit, I love it!" ~Rachel
"I lost my makeup stick!! What do I do?" ~Boris
"Random Randy strikes again!" ~Taylor
I come to you as a dream, and only a dream. A beautiful passerby in which you may or may not desire but only measurably retain as a memory, for you can't ever have it
Everything I've done has been completely logical but has proven to fair miserably in obtaining what I wanted. It wasn't until I did the illogical when everything I ever wanted just started coming to me
Those who danced were thought to be insane by those who couldn't hear the music
When you saw me the first time, you got curious. The second time, your brain turned to mush. Third time, I caught your eye and you just melted
Life can be a nightmare, but that's what makes the adventure all the worth while
"When people hate you and they don't even know you, that's when you know you're the best." ~Paris Hilton