Wicked Bastard Cycles has been around since 1998 manufacturing and locating some of the best custom parts out there for the average Joe. We are proud to offer up products from the top companies in the business, as well as some of the "little guys" that make some sick stuff tailored to the wicked riders we serve.
Wicked Bastard Cycles was formed based upon the idea that some of us just like to express some serious attitude with our rides. Let the weekend wannabe stick with stock. WBC is here to help out riders with a need for customized cycle parts. To that end we don't discriminate. You won't find a preference in the site for American or Metric, just some damned cool parts, accessories, clothing and information.We sell direct to the public as well to authorized dealers/vendors of WBC products. We ship to all US locations, Canada, UK and Europe (additional fees apply for non-US locations).