So many here are a few...RASTAFARI, Herbs for the Healings, African Dyasporia, Art, Creation, Chilling, Dancing, Singing, Humanitiarian Work, Social Awarness and Conscieousness, Life, Meeting interesting people... being still, move fast, balance, seeking balance. yoga, vegan ital lifestyles, Life, Beauty, Nature, Travel, Graphics, History and Culture...RASTAFARI
Good people....who cherish and respect all life. and u of course.
All Music that I feel on the inside and I can move to it. So of my favorite genres, Nyabingi, Rockers, Dub, Hip Hop, Ambaint, Black Rock, well basically all black music and music for ancient times as well as silence...
The Classics, Rockers, Countryman, Chac the Rain God, Life Aquatica, love will have to make another list
Tell Lies is On.
Enoch. Jubiless. Adam and Eve. Psalms. Kebra Negast. Bible. 6 & 7th books of Moses. Secert use of Psalms. (got me out situations) so many many many. more...
HIM HAILE SELASSIE I, anyone who makes a difference in life...