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About Me

First and Foremost I Love Life and Living each moment I breath the breathe.She calls me "Jigga" and I still wonder why? Got to love it though;~} I love to explore and discover new mysteries and ancient secrets. This can be a far off land or the person within my arms distance. What every the situation it is about learning and growing. I love to learn. For we learn in somany ways from so many people.Discovery is something I try to do as much as possible, weather it is a mental break or physical journey... I love to see what I must learn... I love people and meeting people, helping persons who need the help(we all need it).I would say LoveLife, LoveLove, LoveRastafari so simple but yet so complex. There is a certian way that i perceive life. It is not the way that most people do. I can be all things depending on the time, more basically the moment. For in each moment contains the essence of life, LIVING.

My Interests

So many here are a few...RASTAFARI, Herbs for the Healings, African Dyasporia, Art, Creation, Chilling, Dancing, Singing, Humanitiarian Work, Social Awarness and Conscieousness, Life, Meeting interesting people... being still, move fast, balance, seeking balance. yoga, vegan ital lifestyles, Life, Beauty, Nature, Travel, Graphics, History and Culture...RASTAFARI

I'd like to meet:

Good people....who cherish and respect all life. and u of course.


All Music that I feel on the inside and I can move to it. So of my favorite genres, Nyabingi, Rockers, Dub, Hip Hop, Ambaint, Black Rock, well basically all black music and music for ancient times as well as silence...


The Classics, Rockers, Countryman, Chac the Rain God, Life Aquatica, love will have to make another list


Tell Lies is On.


Enoch. Jubiless. Adam and Eve. Psalms. Kebra Negast. Bible. 6 & 7th books of Moses. Secert use of Psalms. (got me out situations) so many many many. more...


HIM HAILE SELASSIE I, anyone who makes a difference in life...

My Blog

M.I.A. - Bucky Done Gun

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVX0sVMGCAoMusic video by M.I.A. performing Bucky Done Gun with Lou Miguel, Anthony Mandler (C) 2005 XL Recordings Ltd. Under Exclusive License to Interscope Records in ...
Posted by J E A on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 08:49:00 PST

Freedom Cry!!!!

why do i want to cry? why do i want to shout? why do i want to release this anxiety in my heart? just to be free. Free, to grow, free to give, free to love. Why do i Want to be Free.... Ju...
Posted by J E A on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Just made public...4-23-05, for what reason..to me..from me...know to who?

Origanl post 2-27-05: 2 months ago...what a differnence time makes inlife..... as i read this and know i can objectively reflect on that time in my life... kind of feels like yesterday... still love ...
Posted by J E A on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

7 more words

Posted by J E A on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

A secret Revieled

An angel spoke with me... and told me the mysteries of life... I asked the angel... for an moment to become a part of these secrets... for i then was told that we are the secrets... that has now bee...
Posted by J E A on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


What is Education. A quote from the Greatest Educator. HIM Haile Selassie I... May we read and apply the knowledge in these words, in our thoughts and deeds... "Education develops the intellect; ...
Posted by J E A on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

4-20 day

Yesterday was 4-20 day (for all the herbalist out there) I found it funny that that day was probalby the the only day all year in which i did not partake in the herbs..... must be the rebel in I... ...
Posted by J E A on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

HEALTH TO ALL... to all who ears are open to listen

Give thanks for health. And Strong Body... I remember growing up, i use to sick for a least a week once or twice a year. .. and guess what i would say thatt most people still do. and think that is nor...
Posted by J E A on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Mercury out of Retrograde!!!

These planet and stars will have you bugging if you are not careful and understant the power that they possess and how to work through them... I heard that mercury was in retrograde and i was alar...
Posted by J E A on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

7 words...

thoughts, actions parables, mysteries destiny, plans Love
Posted by J E A on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST