Eating biscuits and playing Monkey Island and and and...
"Further, the tentacles of dommunism have spread throughout the world; so as to achieve their aims of world domination, the necessity of civil war as a first step to World Revolution is emphasised as a first principle."
-Taken from the British Journal of Nursing Vol. 97.
"Hey mate im telling u now what u did there for me is sick, wicked, bad. Thats the shit im talking about"
The Hype Machine
top 5
1: The Big Lebowski
2: Donnie Darko
3: This Is Spinal Tap
4: Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid
5: Shaun of the Dead
and anything by Hayao Miyazaki
top 5 zombie films
1: Shaun of the Dead
2: Dawn of the Dead
3: Braindead
4: The Evil Dead
5: Dellamorte Dellamore
The Simpsons
stuff like this:
catcher in the rye
girlfriend in a coma
new york trilogy
the outsider
zen and the art of motorcycle maintainance
death and the penguin
slaughter house 5
y: last man
calvin and hobbes
Guybrush Threepwood