I live by:NO REGRETS and Love like you've never been hurt, and when you dance, dance like there's no one watching you.
About me:
I'm doing a Bachelor of Nursing (1st year)
I love Penguins
I'm sarcastic, random and blunt
I'm nosey and ask alot of questions
I LOVE music and live shows
I love the beach and swimming!
I love Justin Timberlake
I dig boys in glasses
I think facebook is SHIT (but I have one haha)
I have a lot of animals
I'm smarter than most people think I am
I'm curious
I love piercings and tattoos!
My family and friends keep me sane!
My left foot is a size 8 my right is a size 9
I love photography, I don't dig photoshop
I'm a Pescatarian (vego that eats fish!)
I go to the Gym 5-7 times a week
I think Dallas Green is an Amazing Musician
I play pool at Q15
I absolutely love acoustic
I love Jelly
Fruit is my favourite food
I have a strange obsession for The Rock, I've seen almost all his movies
I love horror movies
I make AWESOME mix cds (really they are AMAZING!)
I hate the noises people make when they eat/drink
I really want a Kayak!
I love cuddles
"I am six feet two and weigh nearly two hundred pounds and am badly coordinated, except when I swim. All that borrowed meat does the writing. In the water I am beautiful."Kurt Vonnegut Jr