Unloved profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Ask the mirror about me or better still the "camera man" who have been recording every single frame of ma life... Do I look like I know all about myself???? DO I??? the answer is of course NO... I can tell you a bit of me.. But to know alot more about me you just have to befriend me.... :) Yeah sorry mates no pic available till you BE my friend.. Hmm the thing is I have too much of male friends so gotta counter balance ma social life so MALES need NOT apply unless I have already known ya be4 in ma previous years. :)

My Interests

Anything that is interestingly interesting... need i say more?? OK OK... I will... stop giving me that looks... things like riding,driving,riding,driving,riding,driving get the point???

I'd like to meet:

My Nora Danish who is gonna tell me every lil thing is gonna be orite~ And also my Nora Danish who is gonna kiss me like she kisses the mirror in the movie GGPP... thats a bonus....~~


as long as it doesnt make me wanna shoot the singer/dj/emcee... should be fine with me...


Making sense is adequate enough. Nonsense just skip it~


Aint a couch potato...


Alot *innocent grins*


ME i am my own superhero in my own world ... so yeah wanna argue about it? go on go on come on i know u wanna~ hehe u cant win in my world!!!p.s NO im not self centred...