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Like a great magic dread that wells up from within you!

About Me

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There are a lot of words in this universe. I don't think any of them could be used to describe myself. There are however some principles I believe in that I can try to define, which may assert or portray some kind of typographical self-portrait. I live and would gladly make myself a martyr for four ideals: love, friendship, promise, and memory- love above all else. I put my heart into absolutely everything I do, and I believe in all or nothing. I believe in conformity and individuality; inter-dependence between people is necessary to an extent but without individuality it wouldn't exist. I believe in existentialism and infinity, and the idea that everything is innately the same although different; everything is connected and infinite. I support socialism. I think violence is ridiculous and pointless, and the lack of value for life in this world is horrifying to me. I wish people weren't so afraid of getting hurt so they could love more. I don't hate a single soul in this universe; I'd much rather be using my energy for something positive and worthwhile. I put complete faith in the idea of forgiveness, and I trust everyone unless they give me a reason not to. When people show me who they are, I believe them. I do not judge others without judging myself first. I would do absolutely anything for the people I love. I am the strongest person I know. I do not believe that every homosapien is a human being.
I'm sure there's a whole bunch of things I forgot to write, but oh well. Good day.
Who I'd Like to Meet:
An Animist African tribe who will take me in and teach me their ways and how to play the pan flute and how to do a rain dance
also a tribe of Native Americans that can teach me how to do cool things with fire and herbs and how to make necklaces out of wampum, wood, and bones and how to make a hide drum and use it for ritual chants
also someone who feels like wite sugar and eggs (without the shells) and who's voice sounds like the smell of lily of the valley and who's fingertips are really crayons that leave invisible marks on my body wherever they touch me
Here I find myself quite lu·di·crous·ly entranced by this box of speakywurds as I typetype away to the rhythm of the (aclickee-click achookachoo) brain-jungle

My Interests

General: everything

Music: everything, I tend to jump around a lot with the kind of music I listen to most. My favorite band of all time is Bright Eyes, I think Conor Oberst's the only musician I've never stopped listening to regularly over time. But other than that, lately I've been listening to a lot of Paul Simon, As Tall As Lions, Brand New, CocoRosie, Pendulum, Wolf Parade, Atmosphere, The Goo Goo Dolls, Disney soundtracks, African tribal music, and anything that reminds me of Hawaii in the 60s, the Brady Bunch, and Volkswagen buses.

Movies: The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Hercules, Alice In Wonderland, Pocahontas, and pretty much everything else Walt Disney. I am in love with the movie I ♥ Huckabees. I really like Amelie and Moulin Rouge, but only every once in awhile because it makes me sad. Lots of anime, too. Pretty much anything Miyazaki, and series wise I really like Fruits Basket and Full Metal Alchemist.

Television: I'm more of a video game person, I don't really watch much TV. Sometimes Adult Swim is entertaining, and Avatar is pretty awesome. As for video games, I am overly obsessive with Kingdom Hearts I, COM, and II, and I really love the Final Fantasy series. My favorites as of late are VIII and X, I'd have to say. I play a lot of SNES too, mostly Yoshi's Island, Zelda - A Link to the Past, and Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2. Kirby and the Crystal Shards for N64 is pretty amazing. Besides that, I really love DS Lite a lot a lot and I'm currently addicted to Pokémon Pearl.

Books: The Giver by Lois Lowry, 1984 and Animal Farm by George Orwell, The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man by James Joyce, Blankets by Craig Thompson, Hamlet by William Shakespeare. Lots of political fiction, fantasy/sci-fi, American and classic Literature, and realistic fiction. I've also become quite a lover of poetry, my favorite poets at the moment would probably have to be e. e. cummings, Langston Hughes, Edwin Robinson, Elizabeth Bishop, and Robert Frost.

Heroes: My best friends Ryan, Chelsie, Kevin, Adam, my sister, Brandon, Sara, Meghan, Carolyn, Nivek, Cat, Ben, my mom, my cousins, and myself.

This person is my best friend in the entire world, his name is Ryan. He can make me laugh no matter how shitty I feel or how hysterically I'm crying, and he's always there to listen and try to help. I have ridiculous amounts of fun with him, whether it's driving around late at night screaming "MARCOOOO" in a Spanish accent out the window, having 'boob fights,' or staying on the phone for hours trying to pronouce "hippopotomapototopia." I love him with all my heart, and I don't know what I'd do without him♥

This is another one of my best friends, Chelsie. Even though she lives far away and we can't always be there for one another physically, I don't know many people who are nearly as helpful, caring, or loving. She's always been there to give advice and listen to me when I need someone, and she always puts a smile on my face. I honestly can't even describe how wonderful it is to have her, or how much I value our friendship. And I'm going to visit her mad soon. MADSOOOOOOON

Last but not least, this is Kevin. We've had our ins and outs throughout the past three years that we've known one another, but we've always come out closer than ever. He gives me something to have faith in, believe in, someone to love, a shoulder to cry on, and a hand to hold when I need it. He really encourages me to stand up for and better myself, and I couldn't be more thankful. And I have so much fun when I'm with him, whether it's going to DNB, having sleepovers at his house or my dorm, going on long walks or drives to places, or just talking, being around him really lifts my spirits and makes me feel wanted and important. I love him more than I can possibly describe and I feel so lucky to have him as my friend (even though he's a fuck gay :3)

I'd like to meet: