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{[email protected].}Risyasha

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About Risyasha

Name: Risyasha Taisho
Race: werewolf/Inu Youkai
Age: 29
Location: Feudal Era, JP
Marital Status: Single
Hate:Chaos & Neon.
Weapon:His sword.
Abilities:he can change his form into a wolf.
Fact:Hes the son of Prince Inuyasha jr. and Princess Arisu.
Personality:He is a gentleman he is kind hearted and caring and hates to see people hurt or sad and will whatever he can to make it better. He also feels that all females should be treated as if there queens. He has a big problem with calling any female he meets Lady No matter if there royalty or not.
Goals:to destroy anyone who harms my family
Quote:"Death to all!!"
Hair:Light Blue
Height:5'6" or 168 cm

My name is Risyasha I am the first born child of Princess Arisu and Prince Inuyasha jr. I am there First and so far only son. My father is a prince soon to be a King soon I will be a Prince From what my family says. I am paert dog/wolf demon. You might be wondering I am full demon. I was brought up to be a gentleman and that will never change. If I have a problem with a female I will ask my cousin Rydia to take care of it I do not and wont harm a female I am sorry it is just not my style. I want to fight my cousin Rydia and win but I am not even a match for her. I am going to train and get stronger and take on my cousin I want to beat her she is awesome and I love her but I just want to win a spar. I have 2 beautiful daughters named Chiue and Samadai there my everything I would give anything for them to be happy...
Risyasha had been away from my family and friends for sometime. He went on a long trip without any of his friends or family. He needed to go and find him self and found what he really wanted in his life. What he was really put here for seeing as how His mother Died. Why his father disappeared. He soon found out that his mothers death was thanks to his grandfather. His father is where to do found. Nor does he want to find him. His Mothers side was the only people besides his friends that was always there for him to help him through his hard times. His only wish was that he could spend just some time with his mother to meet her and see if hes anything like her.. His Mothers family told him everything there is to know about his mother they told him she was a beautiful women and she was feisty. Kinda like him. He looked a lot like his mother as a child too. He Learned about his grandmother who was divine fist Ouka. Ouka tough my cousin Rydia the ways of fighting as a wolf. Rydia said some time when shes not busy she will show me the ways of fighting.
Risyasha married a women named Cole Satan and they were madly in love and had two beautiful daughters together but soon the relationship with his wife seemed to be so well it soon went bad and it wasn't Cole's fault it was Risyasha's he was always away and hardly ever there for his wife they split and he tried to get to know his children but they seemed to be better off without him he went off once again and when he returned his now ex wife Cole told him about there daughters death. Risyasha Had a some what depression now that he lost the only two things he had going for him he didn't seem to be interested in the things he used to before. He Distanced himself from his friends and family and soon forgot some of them and the relations he shared with them.

Risyasha's Children

Both are dead.

The Icy Blue haired beautiful Women is one of my twin Daughters Her name is Chiue.

The Purple Haired Beautiful Women is my other twin Daughter Samadai I will never let anyone harm my children They are my world I love them very much.

Risyasha's Mate

None At this time.

Risyasha's Master

Risyasha does not use his mater for sex or any other sexual things Lady Katomi

This is My Master Lady Katomi she gave me a Pink collar to wear -.- if anyone trys to harm her in anyway they will have to deal with me!She may have left but I will always remember her. v.v I miss her. She Came back now she is known as Rina Marie She is still my master her looks have also changed.
My New Master Lady Rina Marie.

Risyasha's Friends

Lady Mitsuki.

Lady Kyurasha no Takemaru

Lady Masami

Lady Aikou

Lady Vodka Dive

Setsuko Yuu-Taisho

Lady Usagi

Lady Requiem

Lady Kags

Lady Kainda Taichibana

Lady Sakuri


Lady Dreamer Rendu

Lady Dashi Nyuu

Lady Kanna

Lady Ivy

Lady Kimarri(Ayane)

Lady Anjeluss

Lady Artemis Tashio

Lady Sizy Asura

Lady Night

Lady Victoria

Queen Sesshimora

Lady Maya

Lady Asami Aiko

Lady Dizzy

Lady Serenity.

Sacred Inuyasha

Risyasha's Family

My Daughter Samadai

My Daughter Chiue(dead)

My Sister Princess Aikou

My Younger Sister Setsuko Yuu-Taisho

My Cousin Rydia Housen

Rydia's Children:

My Cousin Akiko Housen

My Cousin Yukiko Housen

My Cousin Sachiko Housen

My Cousin Kyoji Taichibana

My Cousin Kainda Taichibana

Kainda's Children:
My Cousin Mika Taichibana(Dead)

My Mother Princess Arisu(Dead)

My Father Prince Inuyasha Jr.(Dead)

My Grandma Lady Ouka (Dead)

My Aunt Ryofu Housen(Dead)

My Cousin Ryon Housen

My Aunt Lady Kagura(Dead)

My Uncle Lord Sesshoumaru(dead)


I strongly recommended that you do not Steal this Character . I have worked hard in making him and He is NOT a man whore he respects women. He has never even thought about using them or disrespecting them in anyway and I am really tired of dealing with women who don't understand that.

Other ways To Contact Risyasha.

: risyasha

: [email protected]


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My Blog

Attacks/Abilites(still workin on it)

Wolf claw- Pouches and kicks my enemy repeatly and Quickly. Wolf form- changes my appearance into a wolf. Riyo Speed- dodges any move thrown at him. this also makes him really fast so he can get out o...
Posted by {[email protected].}Risyasha on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 08:55:00 PST