Good food, fine wine, fabulous company, my cats, country walks, cycling, reading, swimming, art, good movies.
Simple folk with simple needs just like me
Not necessarily in order - Tom Waits, The Beatles, Eels, Van Morrison. Led Zepplin, AC/DC, Queen of the Stoneage, Kaiser Chiefs, Jolie Holland, Elvis, Matchbox Twenty, Hothouse Flowers, Green Day, Cranberries, Johnny Cash, Paul Weller, The Stranglers, Pink Floyd, Rammstein, David Bowie
Anything with a great story that doesn't rely on special effects. Anything directed by Terry Gilliam especially Brazil closely followed by The Twelve Monkeys. The Royal Tenenbaums, The Usual Suspects, The Frighteners, any Marx Brothers film, Bringing up Baby, Singing in the Rain and, dare I say it, Napolean Dynamite.
Nothing springs to mind. It's all very disappointing at the moment. I'd rather read a good book.
Anything and everything from Stephen King to Jane Austen. Favourite easy read - Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaimen, favourite worthy read - Pride and Predjudice by Jane Austen, favourite horror read - The Stand by Stephen King
Superman of course!