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California, reading, driving with a good song turned way up, really stupid jokes that still make you laugh, workingout, being kissed on the forehead, getting my hair cut, playing tennis, learning new things, long conversations with interesting people, good movies, shopping when a good sale is on, doing nothing with Matt, doing anything with Matt, volunteering, singing in the car, Lelia, a really good long island iced tea, getting a big hug on a bad day, flip flops on a hot day and a big sweatshirt on cold ones, making brownes from a box, chocolate, sparkley things, being warm, camp fires with smores, being with people who make you smile, being in love, my friends, Starbucks, CPC, religions, God, Hebrew classes with tammy, rafting in summer, mythology, sleeping, Target, seeing someone you haven't seen in forever and realizing that you are still friends, waking up on a Saturday, going to the beach, walking around in a big city
I will listen to pretty much anything except for rap and the really twangy country that they play sometimes on country stations.
Where to begin...Shrek, Amelie, Disney Movies (especially the Little Mermaid, Wedding Singer, Princess Bride, Jane Austin Movies (the older ones) Princess Diaries, Old School, EuroTrip, Prates of the Carribian, Anchorman 5th Element, Jay and Silent Bob movies, Zoolander, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Life of Brian and pretty much anything Monte Python, most musicals, stupid 80's movies, and, of course, movies where stuff gets blown up.
Law and Order, Simpsons, Family Guy, Daily Show, The 70's show, Lost (but only on DVD), Make over shows (what not to wear, Queer eye for the Straight Guy, Etc...)I don't really watch anything religiously though.
The Ender Series by Orson Scott Card, Dune series, Hitchhikers Guild, Moma Lola, Devil in the White City, Finding Satan, Ethnographies, Books on Genocide (We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families, Holocaust, Maus I & II...) Narnia Cronicles, getting into Robert Jordan, Mythology (Greek and Roman mostly), Sandman, Pride and Prejudice (and most things by Jane Austin), Neverending Story, Rice Mother, and of course Harry Potter.
Definitly Batman. He kicks ass and he doesn't even have super powers.