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I am here for Friends

About Me

I cook like a mofo, love like a mofo, and live in an rv like a mofo. Bitches. My boyfriend wears a three piece suit some days and likes headcheese. That is not a dirty reference, it is simply a pate made from pig's head. I am moving back to Costa Rica soon, where I lived in a tent for over a year. But in the meantime I cook at a pretty swanky restaurant and enjoy beautiful south Oregon.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

A jah moon. Once a friend of mine pointed at the moon and said, and I quote- 'LOOK AT HER; ISN'T SHE ADORABLE?!!!" The exclamations are quotations too; kind of. The fact he bent down and whispered it whilst- Whilst pointing high and to the right was an exclamation in and of it's own self.

My Blog


Yes we can, can we?These hopes ride so high, these sentiments across the world, muttered in cross country bus trips, in temples in Peru,In your unknown father's village in Kenya,In every home housing ...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Jan 2009 19:17:00 GMT

I love my snail

No that titlew is not sexual or gross, I call my pussy a pumpum, not a snail.  No, this summer my boyfriend and roommate were out in the garden weeding and killing snails.  Why, I have no id...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Dec 2008 18:52:00 GMT

Oct. 10th 2006

Found something I wrote when I first went to CR.  Thought I'd put it up so I don't lose it again.  Damn, I love that place and the people.  I guess that's a disclaimer.  Kinda.I ha...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 14:10:00 GMT


Today was like bits of Christmas trickling in every hour.  In the morning a friend returned from emergency dental in Christchurch and with him he brought me new chef knifes (globals, baby, Japane...
Posted by on Mon, 31 Oct 2005 21:13:00 GMT

Harsh and unforgiving climate

This ship is filling to its hilts, the food runs like rivers into the mouths of the overly excited, overly exhauted, hedonist and prudes, corporate bigwigs and minions alike.  And I stand at the ...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Oct 2005 00:45:00 GMT

I love it.

I love it, I love it, I love it.
Posted by on Fri, 09 Sep 2005 18:23:00 GMT

I am in love. lalalala.

I am not leaving here, it is my heaven.  All my fears are quelched and my cheeks hurt from smiling too much.  And my hands hurt from trimming 80 pounds of mahi-mahi, and from smoking a cigar...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Aug 2005 14:29:00 GMT


Well, Raytheon Corp has just payed for a new tattoo and scored me a date with the kiwi tattooer, I kid you not, by the name of Zane Stetson. How fucking Crockadile Dundee is that name? Zane Stetson?...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Aug 2005 00:53:00 GMT

Pizza?! Pizza!!!

I just got sent an overnight mail Chicago Spinach Pizza, with the message "eat when drunk".  That is the coolest gift I have ever got.  No exceptions.
Posted by on Thu, 18 Aug 2005 11:12:00 GMT

Am I there yeeeeet?

5 days.  I am ready.  Like a hungry tiger that feeds on ice.  Already looked up indie clubs in New Zealand, found out that Wendsday nights at the Jet Set lounge they have 2 dollar ...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Aug 2005 19:26:00 GMT