Well first off my name is Trey and i am a CHRISTIAN and proud of it the LORD has done sooo much for me...Family is the most important thing in my life other than God...Matt is my brother in law, he is the one who taught me basketball and now i cant live w/out it...My only true frend and brother in my life is hunter he means alot to me we have gotton into so much trouble and managed to get our way out of it by lieing or running i love him, but not in a gay way...Then there is my one and only nigga from red oak stephen he is the 2nd coldest white boy i know, i taught him everything i know, he has the pimpest ride in red oak, it will probally top 90 in like 4 minutes its fast...Then standing 6 feet tall w/ curly hair from ovilla is my really white nigga doug, we play ball together at OCS, he has a good shot but wen it comes to driving the lane he learned everything he knows from me...Basketball is one of the most important things to me it has kept me in school and i love it but hate school, i cant go one day w/out playin itwell that sums the important things in my life...im out...ps LAURA IS THE BEST EVER...'Warcraft' Sequel Lets Gamers Play A Character Playing Warcraft