you know you like itwatch this ..
mark slaughter. oh wait, i already did. jealous?
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air, animal collective, arcade fire, ariel pink's haunted graffiti, band of horses, beastie boys, beck, be your own pet, bjork, black lips, black rebel motorcycle club, bloc party, blonde redhead, blondie, blur, brian eno, caesars, clap your hands say yeah, david bowie, deerhunter, depeche mode, echo and the bunnymen, elected, ella fitzgerald, emily haines, fiery furnace, flaming lips, wanda jackson, folk implosion, fugazi, , buddy holly, gorillaz, hefner, holly golightly, hot hot heat, human league, i almost saw god in the metro, interpol, inxs, james, journey, joy division, ladytron, les georges leningrad, link wray, love and rockets, love is all, mercury rev, metric, miss derringer, modern english, mogwai, motley crue, muse, my bloody valentine, new order, okkervil river, OMD, patsy cline, pavement, peaches, peter bjorn & john, prototypes, pulp, radiohead, ramones, rilo kiley, rolling stones, sebadoh, sigur ros, skid row, sonic youth, sparklehorse, stacey q, the cars, the cure, the faint, the gossip, the horrors, the kinks, the pixies, the polyphonic spree, the rapture, the rock a teens, the selmanaires, the smiths, the sonics, trail of dead, t-rex, violent femmes, weezer ('94-'96) white stripes, yeah yeah yeahs, zombies
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