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Good luck exploring the infinate abyss

About Me

PIMP.myYearbook.com - No. 1 Pimp Site
I am currently living in Dronfield which for most of you (probably all of you) who haven't heard of it, its near Sheffield. I about to embark on a six month adventure around South East Asis and China and I can't wait! Can't really think of anything to say here so I'm going to keep in short and sweet.Check out more of my photos at Ringo.com http://www.ringo.com/explore/member.html?
I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

My Interests

Films, Music, Writing, Dancing +

I'd like to meet:

Zach Braff, Joaquin Phoenix, Ewan McGregor, Gael Garcia Bernal, Vince Vaughn, Christian Bale, Sofia Coppola, Scarlett Johnason
Name: Louise
Middle Name: Marie
Birthdate: 20/09/83
Birthplace: Derbyshire, UK
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5' 7''
Weight: A stone heavier than what I want to be
Right or Left-Handed: Right
Siblings: Younger bro, Rob (20)
Piercings: Just my ears
Tattoos: Butterfly on my hip
Screenname: Whats this?
Hair Color: Dark
Eye Color: Blue
Height: Not too much taller than me
skinny or muscular: somthing in between
style: indie rock laid back style
Hot or cute: Hot AND cute
Looks or personality: It has to be both of course I want it all!
Bedtime: When I fall asleep?
Fears: Regretting not having gone for somthing I really want
Weakness: Too many to list! Food, Alchol, Lazyness,
most missed memory: How can you miss a memory, surely if you miss it than you can't remember it or am I being really dense with this one
Best physcial Feature: Luscious lips
First Thought Waking up: Please let me sleep somemore
Goal For next year: My years pretty planned out already, backpacking for first half round South East Asia then hopefully doing a masters in Sep so don't know what my goal would be
Shoe size: 5/6
Food: Fajitas
Gum: Spearmint
Drink: I'll have another glass of Julio please
Flower: Orchid
Scent: Summer rain and freshly cut grass
Alcohol Drink: Rose wine or Vodka and Cranberry
Pizza: Hawiian
Actors: Christian Bale and Scarlett Johnannson
Team: Sport? Don't really support any teams but Frank Lampard's fit so will say Chelsea
Color: Burnt Orange like autumn leaves and the sunset
Animal: Dolphin
Number: 13, I dont have much luck anyway so what the hell
Band: Couldnt possibly pick just oe
Body Part on Opposite sex: Eyes
Magazine: Heat, guilty pleasure
Quote: I'm Ok with being unimpressive, I sleep better - Garden State
Pie: Coffe and Pie, Oh My (quote from Brick)
Fox News or CNN: Neither, BBC over this side of the Atlantic
Coke or Pepsi: Don't like either
Burgerking or McDonalds: McDonalds
Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Cafe Mocha
Love or Money: Both (its starting to sound like I cant pick between anything so maybe should have put indecisive as one of my weakness's)
Hugs or Kisses: Hugs
Scary or Funny movies: Funny I scare way to easily
Hot or Cold Tea: Yuck don't like tea and why would you have it cold anyway!
Ipod or Cd: Ipod
Jessica Simpson or Paris Hilton: Jessica - have to go with the ditzy blonde over the slutty blonde
Snow skiing or Snowboarding: Well I found Skiing hard enough so don't think I would be any good strapped to one thing
Paul Walker or Nick Lachey: No thanks
Dogs or Cats: Well I'm scared of Dogs and allergic to cats
Lucky or American Eagle: Huh?
John Mccain or John Kerry: Who?
Rock or Rap: Rock
Summer or Winter: Summer
Crunchy or Creamy: Crunchy or creamy what??
What is your Heritage: English and Scottish
Ever Stolen: Yes but nothing serious just from Odeon Putney
Been to a different Country: Yes
Do you smoke: No
Been to the mall lately: Yes
Do you go to Church: No
Who do you miss the most: My friends and freedom in London
What is their name: Wait didn't we already do this
Do you like Sushi: Yes
Ever been Beaten up: Nope touch wood
Do you like thunderstorms: No
Do you like working out: Once I get into it and over the thought of going if that makes sense
Ever been pranked called: Probably
Do you believe in love at first sight: No, I believe in lust at first sight
Do you Drink: Yes
Play Poker: No
Ever Kissed a stranger: Yes
Last person to call: Lou
Last person to make you laugh: Myself
last person who text you: Lou
Like Camping: No way not after Oxygen I thought I was going to die it was so cold!
Get motion sickness: Yes
Anything you regret: I don't believe in regrets if I did there would be way too many things that I would regret
Do you hate anyone: No, hate is a stong word
Ever been in love: Not sure
Who were you named after: No one my parents just liked the name
Any traffic tickets: Don't have a license
Toilet papered someone's house: No
Do you sleep around: If I did would I own up to it here, I don't think so
Thoughts of killing yourself: Who hasn't for five minutes in those teenage angst years
Do you believe in God: No
Danced in the Rain: Yes
Ever been in love: Deje Vu
Play Instruments: I wish, I have a guitar and had all intention of learning but gave up when I wasn't very good!
Do you cry during a movie: Yes
What are you listening to right now: I'm watching Scrubs
Cell Phone Provider: O2
Do you like rollercoasters: Yes
Do you believe in yourself: I wish I did, I'm trying
Do you think you are attractive: How can you not sound vain answering this ... I don't think I'm ugly
Last person who told you I love you: My mum
Have you ever cheated on someone: Yes
Broken any bones: No
Can you do the splits: No
Ever played Golf: Yes, badly I lost all the balls in the lake!
Single or Group Dates: First dates - Single
Are you a good dancer: I'd like to think I was okay
Do you like Dawg The Bounty Hunter: Dawg the what?
Do you like to smile: Yes
Have you ever prank called someone: Yes
Ever laughed so hard: Oh yes
Do you believe in Ghosts: Yes
Do you believe in Angels: Yes
Do you blush easily: Yes
Are you a Health Freak: No
Country you want to visit: Italy
Would you ever go sky diving: I want to but I know I would chicken out plus I'm scared of heights
Do you want kids: One day yes
Do you want to get married: Yes
Eminem or Kenny Chesney: neither
Are you a Bad driver: Well I've lost count how many times I have failed my test lets put it that way
Do you like spicy foods: Yes
Last person that lied to you: Myself
Sexy or Hot: Aren't they the same things or do I think I'm sexy or hot? Both!
Do you trust other people easily: Nope
How do you want to die: I don't want to know about it. Painless
Do you like Banana splits: Don't like bannanas
Last Book you read: Sophie's World
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The Kooks, The Zutons, Razorlight, Kaiser Chiefs, Nelly Furtado, Arctic Monkeys, Oasis, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Green Day, No Doubt, Ash
powered by frazy.comRight now I am mostly listing to the Garden State Soundtrack - lovin the Lebanease Blonde track and Rihana's album when I wanna sing along. My top three songs in no particular order would be, 1. Ever Fallen In Love With Somone (you shouldn't've have fallen in love with) – Buzzcocks. 2. A Life Less Ordinary – Ash. 3. SexyBack - Justin Timberlake
powered by frazy.comJustin Timberlake SexyBack Lyrics. + I’m bringing sexy back. Them other boys don’t know how to act. I think your special whats behind your back. So turn around and ill pick up the slack. Take em’ to the bridge [Bridge]Dirty babe. You see these shackles. Baby I’m your slave. I’ll let you whip me if I misbehave. It’s just that no one makes me feel this way. Take em’ to the chorus [Chorus] Come here girl. Go ahead, be gone with it. Come to the back. Go ahead, be gone with it VIP. Go ahead, be gone with it. Drinks on me. Go ahead, be gone with it. Let me see what you’re working with. Go ahead, be gone with it. Look at those hips. Go ahead, be gone with it. You make me smile. Go ahead, be gone with it. Get your sexy on [Verse 2] I’m bringing sexy back. Them other fuckers don’t know how to act. Come let me make up for the things you lack. Cause your burning up I gotta get it fast


Garden State, Swingers, Almost Famous, Brick, Shallow Grave, Donnie Darko, Empire Records, Stand By Me, Dirty Dancing, The Virgin Suicides, The Motorcycle Diaries, The Rules Of Attraction, Edward Scissorhands, A Life Less Ordinary, Pirates of the Caribbean, Serenity, Back To The Future, Bourne Supremacy, Harry Potter Films, Lost In Translation, The Lord of the Rings, The Usual Suspects, True Romance, Strictly Ballroom, Romeo + Juliet, Moulin Rouge, Walk The Line

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Scrubs, Lost, 24, The O.C, Buffy, Firefly, Angel, Spooks. And I hate to say it but have recently become addicted to America's Next Top Model, lol!

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All the Harry Potter books, cant wait for no.7! The Time Travellers Wife, The Virgin Suicides. Just started reading Sophie's World, its really good you should read it. And at the moment travel books on South East Asia
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I can't think of any so I'm going to to do the dinner party thing here ..... Six fictional people that I would invite to a dinner party would be, Jack Bauer and Capt Mal Reynolds (Firefly&Serenity) can fight it out to see whose the toughest,Satine (Moulin Rouge) to get the party started and sing us a few tunes,Harry Potter to wave his little wand and make sure the food and drink never ran out,Doctor Whoand J.D from Scrubs

My Blog

Scuba Diving

I am offically a certified scuba diver! How cool is that and I don't even like fish!   Have just finished today a four day open water scuba diving course in Koh Tao, Thailand. Its amazing, its a...
Posted by Lou on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 03:44:00 PST

Taman Negara, Malaysia

I'm in Kuala Lumpur now, been here for about two days after getting in from Taman Negara which is the huge national park in Malaysia which claims to be the worlds oldest rainforest. It was amazing the...
Posted by Lou on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 09:33:00 PST

Bali So Far ....

We're in Bali now which is so different to Singapore and so much cheaper, I can't believe how cheap it is I love it but I'm having to stop myself from buying lots of clothes because will only have to ...
Posted by Lou on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 01:00:00 PST


Well I've finally made it out of the UK after months of saving and planning and here I am in Singapore. The flight was so long but got lots of food and our own TV's on the first flight and we we're pl...
Posted by Lou on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 07:58:00 PST

My Leaving Party

Well Friday night was my leaving party with Lou and Moe before we fly out to Singapore on Tuesday. It was good night with all the usual drunken antics but first a little a story about what happened to...
Posted by Lou on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 09:46:00 PST

Not long now ...

Wow, its getting so close to Jan 9th now  when I fly off to Singapore with Lou and Moe to begin my adventures around Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and China. I can't wai...
Posted by Lou on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 01:43:00 PST

Moving Home

I miss London, Have been home now less than 24 hours after a semi-boring week staying in a tiny little village in Devon with nothing to do except walks along the cold and windy beach. And wherever we ...
Posted by Lou on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 07:31:00 PST