Listening to music, reading, watching and playing soccer, percussion, geography, history, world cultures, playing in the stock market
Mario Vargas Llosa - my favorite author
The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Alice in Chains, The Smiths, The Cure, Nirvana, Live, Smashing Pumpkins, Jose Jose, Grupo Niche, Los Titanes, Madonna, Yanni, Iron Maiden, etc, etc
The Shining, Star Wars, The Others, Sixth Sense, Stand and Deliver, The Godfather, Platoon
Soccer games, other sports, Whose line is it anyway?, Conan O'Brien
The Godfather, The Catcher in the Rye, In Cold Blood, The Great Gatsby, A Clockwork Orange, Rayuela, Cien Anios de Soledad, La Fiesta del Chivo, Conversaciones en la Catedral
My mother, my uncle, and Rafo Leon