I've always been a fan of barbershop quartet music. Sang it for over ten years. Haven't been too involved in it lately, however. I also enjoy playing mini-golf, surfin the web, and doing sudoku puzzles. Oh, and I'm a big Iowa Hawkeyes fan!
I'd like to meet a lot of people, too many to mention in fact. LOL
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Like I said, I'm a big fan of barbershop music. I've been singing it for over ten years and have competed in several states. Sure. I will listen to Kelly Clarkson, Britney Spears, etc. if it's on the radio, but more than likely, if you check my CD player, it will have a good Nightlife CD, or perhaps my old chorus, The Pride Of Iowa. I also listen to Kidd Kraddick in the Morning on my way to work every day! He and his crew are awesome!!! I use to listen to the Bob and Tom Show everyday until I moved to Louisiana. Check them out to see if they're near you. www.kiddlive.com
I don't really designate a favorite movie, because it seems like everytime I finish watching a movie, I always end up saying "...wow! I have a new favorite movie!" Lately, I've seen the Halloween remake and Dead Silence. Disturbia was good, too.
Ahhh...I'm big on TV on DVD! Whoever had the idea to put old TV seasons on DVD is a genius!!! Night Court has to be my all time favorite television show (when is season 2 coming out?!?!?!?!), but I also enjoy That 70's Show and South Park. I watched the first two seasons of Scrubs in two weeks and will probably get seasons three and four shortly. On TV itself, I watch Ghost Hunters, most of the stuff on Discovery or TLC (especially the gory hospital shows).
I don't read. I'm dyslexic. LOL
My parents and grandparents definitely!!!!! Without them, I wouldn't be who I am today.