Well I'm Clint also know as Clintoris to the quick wit and clever the first time I meet them. I am an absolute sweetheart, I will do just about anything to bring a smile to someones face. I'm a great listener which works well for me becuase I really don't like to speak. I'm shy and quite, when I get around a large group I don't know, I tend to find the closes corner and hide. I write... I'd say I'm a writer, but then I think I would have to get paid for it. Maybe someday I'll go work for hallmark come up with get well soon cards, or go into advertising "Had a hard day?, Viagra... Make it a hard night!" More than likely not, maybe someday put together a book of short stories and poetry. I post some of the better one's in my blogs to anyone that would like to see some. I make a great friend and fit into an social circle, I'm quite, smart lightweight and I don't take up much room. In relationships I can be amazing or a complete asshole, though most leave telling me I'm a great guy. I tend to date girls with lots of problems which usally works becuase I like helping people... you can only build someone selfesteam up so much before they think they are better than you are. I'm the nice guy which pisses me off a lot... but everyone has a role to play, we are all merly players on lifes stage with are entrances and exits... I like Shakespear and Robert Frost...
and I play the drums to get the ladies
well maybe I'll write more later but most likely not... if you would like to know more (AIM) kb8pepsi
My real about me section compliments of Angela and Becca
I'm Clint Catastrophe, I walk the line between good and evil everyday. I wear a cape, of slendid colors that flails in the wind as I fly over the city, protecting the Detroit area, you know, the Big D. Oh, lets not forget the underwear that I am forced to wear on the outside of my leotard [its some regulation who knows]. I may be shy, but its just me hiding my alterego.
Disclaimer: ok, this might be all a lie... but I'm still awesome, even if I can't stop ppl from breaking into your car.
You scored as Blue. Your heart is blue. You are a very calm and relaxed person. You are very caring and like helping others. You're grateful for what you have in life, even if it's not perfect. People love you for who you are, don..'t ever change that- it's what makes you the great person that you are.
~What colour is your heart?~
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