You know the usual: The plight of the underprivileged, I'd love the opportunity to work helping out AIDS orphans back home. Love, Love, Love music. Love shaking my boody on the dance floor, or in my living room, or bedroom or wherever the beat's hot:-)
Jesus, Nelson Mandela and you of course.
Hip hop, Reggae, R&B, Gospel, and whole lot of other stuff world music etc.Had to change it up a bit. Anyone with dope music player selections let a sista know...:-)
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Not a Big movie buff, my favourite movie was ALI, The Last King of Scottland was DOPE!, Blood Diamonds...hey is there a common denominator in any of those.... I'm really not that dramatic, I love to party and live life to the fullest.
Yeah not too big on TV either, I liked watching Grey's Anatomy, and So you think you can Dance
There are so many books, I'll think about the good ones.
The Alpha and The Omega