Mostly I'm into cars. I like a lot of different kinds, but my passion is for 60s and 70s muscle cars. I couldn't tell you what teams are coached by whom, who won the superbowl, or the rules of ANY game practically, but I can overhaul an engine, change just about anything in a driveway with some jackstands, and if you want to know how big you can go with a cam in a Chevy 350 and still have enough vacuum at idle to operate your power brakes, I'm your guy.
I'm also interested in everyone having equal rights. Anyone who says that state-sanctioned marriages should be denied to gay couples based on religious reasons can bite my ass. There's supposed to be a separation of church and state in this country - nowhere on my marriage license did it ask me what religion I was or what church I go to. That's not even getting into the contradiction inherant in discrimination in the name of God, or the fact that the Bible was written by men 300 years after Christ died, and has been edited by kings in power any time that it suited their purpose in the millenia following...
People who: think for themselves; have an opinion and make a logical argument for it; know what a logical argument actually is; aren't afraid to say how they feel, even in an unwelcoming environment (imagine saying you support gay marriage in a room of construction workers); do the right thing, especially when it inconveniences them; know how to roll with the shit life throws at you; know how to take responsibility for the shit you throw at yourself; are dedicated to constantly becoming a better human being; don't get so caught up in the philosophy of life that they forget to go to work and pay the bills; are passionate about anything and everything; know how to say they're sorry; know how to call me on my bullshit and make me say i'm sorry; look for the good in the world; realize the bad in the world and work against it in little possible ways; know the right time to be a diplomat; know the right time to curl a fist; avoid curling said fist whenever possible; know how to have fun; have gone over the line in having fun, but aren't necessarily proud of it; know when it's ok to cry; know when you should just suck it up, nancy; don't change their core principles much. Oh, and boobs. I like boobs, too. :) [Gotta know how to lighten up, too.]
All kinds, I dj'd parties for a while, got a taste for a little of everything. Usually I'm listening to one techno CD or another, or anything Nine Inch Nails. Top-listers are 90s grunge and alternative rock of all years. Can't stand whiney fucking emo. Didn't like it when Oasis did it back in '95, don't like it now.
Here's something pretty damn cool though:
Popstar (Spoof of Nickelback Rockstar) Parody
WAY too many to list. The staff at Hollywood Video doesn't need to scan my card anymore, they have the number memorized. Among many, some firsts that come to mind are Matrix Trilogy, Lord of The Rings, Garden State, Memento, Boondock Saints, X-Men and X2 - X3 was a good action flick I suppose, but certainly lacked the plot depth of the first two (thank you Bryan Singer), Superman Returns (while we're talking about Bryan Singer), Spiderman (can't wait for 3!), 5th Element, Resident Evil 1 & 2(just about anything with Milla), Seven, The Game, Fight Club, Unbreakable (well, all of M. Night's stuff), Gone in 60 Seconds, Domino, Collateral, Heat, anything by Kevin Smith (except Jersey Girl, never saw it), Batman Begins, Batman and Batman Returns (the Tim Burton Batmen), Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick, Dukes of Hazzard (it's the car, y'all - don't give a shit about Jessica Simpson), and of course Star Wars (I even liked the 'new' trilogy despite Lucas' lackluster directing - go ahead, flame me). I'm sure I'll think of more...
No time for regular TV, hence no cable, sat, or even rabbit ears. Plus there's just not enough good stuff on to warrent $50/month for me. I just watch the series when it comes out on DVD. Current favorites include Smallville (it's the BEST!), Alias, Boston Legal, Scrubs, House, Prison Break, Weeds, Sex & the City (it's good, kiss my ass), OverHaulin', loved Dead Like Me and saw a few episodes of Six Feet Under before my wife burned through all 6 seasons without me :).
Top fave and currently reading (again) the Dark Tower series by Stephen King. Absolutely fantastic story, and it's *7* novels make Lord of the Rings look like a Goosebumps novel. My book shelf is pretty much dominated by Stephen King and a few Dilbert books. Also shamelessly addicted to Harry Potter and can't wait for book 7 to come out. Bite me - I don't care if it is mainstream, they're enjoyable stories.
I'd have to go with Lance - he overcame a hell of a lot, broke every record that there was in the Tour, and is still just a down-to-earth guy. Not like I know him, obviously, just going off what I've seen in interviews and an episode of Overhaulin where Sheryl Crow had Foose do Lance's GTO. They ended the episode with film from the passenger seat of him driving it around and 'woo-hoo'ing like a kid with a new toy. It was awesome.
Oh, and anybody who makes fun of stupid people, or at least expects people to use their brains and put forth an effort to be a thinking human being - they're ok in my book.