I love cool nights/mornings and hot sunny days. I love playing 500 and having dinner parties. I am a singer/songwriter/muso. I am the proud mother of one beautiful son named Nino Phoenix (July 07). Watching him grow and learn and being a part of that process is the most rewarding experience and it just never stops amazing me. I love beer, music (funky, bluesy, jazzy, poppy, rocky, trippy, gangsta whatever) I love painting, gardening, scrabble, swimming pools, the beach, learning new recipes, good conversations, etc. I think I may not write too much more in here because recently I have been subject to some shite "mystalkers". Doesn't it suck when people exploit this system. Anyways... to check out my music - Go to www.myspace.com/vonnyband and you can also vote for me on www.triplejunearthed.com - Look for me under "vonnyband" and "joei's gestalt"