averyold Zacheypoo profile picture

averyold Zacheypoo

Cool your jets.<z

About Me

I wash dishes, dispense cash money, go to school, listen to music, play music, dream, and dwell. I heart, I hate, I hurt, I smile. I have too many nicknames. Zachmo, Zachey-poo, Zachey-poo-poo-face, Happy, Bitchtits, Very Old Zach, Freak-Spankin'-Nasty... ok not Freak-Spankin'-Nasty... but i would like to be called it. I am one of the few who will stand against Rory Drummond and his Righteous Empire, despite any Tower of Appeasement. I am hungry. I enjoy jamming in all forms. I am sorry.

My Interests

Generally, but not limited to, fun stuff.

I'd like to meet:

The Pope and Harrison Ford




The Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, Casablanca, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Fight Club... and then bad ones too.




I don't read so good.


Ann Coulter and the Hamburgler