rhondalicious profile picture


video killed the radio star

About Me

I hate trying to figure out what to put in these about me type spaces...

Give me a little bit of time to fill it up.
AIM/YIM/MSN :: prettyinut
livejournal ::rhondalicious
rhondalicious.com :: Someday there will be a webcomic
Flickrstream :: Personal Flickr photostream
del.icio.us :: I like all sorts of junk

My Interests

airplanes, anime, Arrowbear, babies, ballet, bassoons, beach, beef, body art, books, boots, bubble baths, calendars, candles, candy, cars, cell phones, cervical cancer, cheese, chicken, chocolate, church, clouds, comics, composition, concerts, cookies, crayons, curly hair, dancing, disneyland, divine intervention, dorks, earphones, education, elves, faeries, faery dust, fairy tales, figure skating, fishnets, flowers, fluffy puppies, food, fridays, frogs named bob, fuzzy kittens, geology, glam rock, glitter, gothics, green, hawaii, hips, hobbits, hunger, ice cream, indian food, inside jokes, ireland, jabberwocky, jones soda, kittens, kittie, laughing, life, livejournal, loss, love, magic, marching band, massages, matty, movies, munchies, music, my baby, my sisters (blood and otherwise), myths, nachos, noodles, ocarina, orange juice, origami, palm pilots, peanut butter, pedicures, pengins, piercings, pink hair, plaid, poetry, potatoes, punk rock, quince, reading, roses, rpgs, salad, school, sci-fi, self-doubt, sewing cool stuff, shimmer dust, shoes, silver, silver jewelry, sinfest, slash, soy, spikes, strawberry short cake, striped knee socks, tattoos, the color pink, the moon, the weekend, toe socks, tomb raider, tucanos(at riverwoods), twinkies, underpants, victoria secret, video games, virgins, vitamins, walter, weddings, widgets, worrying, xanth, yodeling, yoo-hoo, zebras, zephyrs, zippers

I'd like to meet:

Everyone in the world!But if I don't know you, I won't accept a MySpace Add request until you chat with me a for a bit and I get to know you.


Yes please! I love techno, punk, classical, pop, rock/alternative, whatever


Is there anything besides PBS and Wiggles DVDs?


Terry Pratchett, Charles DeLint, CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien, Raymond E Feist, JK Rowling

My Blog

I don’t make requests very often...

...but this is an exception I'm making.I hate asking for things, but I hope nobody minds this.In a week we are going to Disneyland. This is the first time for my kids, and they are really looking forw...
Posted by rhondalicious on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 03:51:00 PST

I could use your positive thoughts!

Tomorrow I go in for surgery - endometrial ablation and a bilateral tubal ligation... In other words, they're cauterizing the inside of my uterus and tying my tubes.So keep me in your thoughts/prayers...
Posted by rhondalicious on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 09:03:00 PST


Whooo, I decided to clean out my friends list and got a little bit delete happy! I went from 180-something friends to 110-something friends...I just got paranoid, because who knows what's being looked...
Posted by rhondalicious on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 09:23:00 PST


So I love Facebook. Not getting rid of my MySpace or anything, but all the Facebook plugins make it an awesome little place.
Posted by rhondalicious on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 09:01:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by rhondalicious on Tue, 29 May 2007 03:12:00 PST

tired of my layout

So I decided I needed a new layout - watch for something spiffy to come shortly!For posterity, I was trying to save my old layout, but it doesn't look like I can post it in here...body {background-col...
Posted by rhondalicious on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 09:04:00 PST

Ugghuhghgh, wisdom teeth...

So I had my last 2 wisdom teeth out - now my jaw is ten kinds of sore. I guess I'm not wise any more.powered by performancing firefox...
Posted by rhondalicious on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 11:18:00 PST

ooh, testing a new toy

So I found this Firefox plugin that is supposed to make it way easier to post a blog here on my MySpace (since I really don't like MySpace's blogging system - I got too spoiled with Livejournal!)...Le...
Posted by rhondalicious on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 09:46:00 PST

hey peeples

I have been thinking that I really don't utelize this blog very much, and yet MySpace is the only contact I have with a lot of you guys...So I'm working really hard on finding a good solution for me, ...
Posted by rhondalicious on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 07:39:00 PST

Yeah, yeah, a lot of myspace trackers are scams...

Anyhow, after doing some searching and reading reviews, it looks like TheSpaceTracker actually works...Sortof.It will tell you when your profile is visited, but it can only tell you *who* visited if y...
Posted by rhondalicious on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 07:43:00 PST