I CAN ONLY BE ME... profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Fuzzy Bear *Random Like The Name*:
Fuzzy Bear *Random Like The Name*
What’s your current mood? Anxious
How long have you been up? Since 10:30 a.m.
Who do you miss right now? Bradford
What’s going on around you? Nothing...
Did you watch the news? Nope
Where do you wish you were right now? Tallahassee
Did you work today? Yeah
Are you afraid of the dark? Yes
What’s your biggest fear? Being without my better half...
What color is your underwear? WHAT!
What color is your bra *if you wear one* ? Damn yall are getting personal
What color(s) are your shoes? I don't have any on.
What color(s) is your shirt? Burgundy
What color(s) are your pants? Stonewashed Jeans
What is the date? December 20
What is the year? 2006
What is the day? Wednesday
What is the month you were born in? August
What year were you born in? 1985
What is your zodiac sign? Leo
What is your lucky number(s)? 4
Where are you right now? At my apartment
Are you excited about any thing? CHRISTMAS!
What can you not wait for? Friday, Dec. 22
Are you sleepy? Kinda
How many people have you called today? 9
What are you drinking right now? Kool-aid
What are you eating right now? A chef salad
Are you crying? NOPE...Why would I be???
Are you afraid? Never
Are you happy? Yes
Are you mad at any one right now? Naw... everything happens for a reason
Do you believe in a higher being? Of course...I'm not a heathen,lol
Do you believe in Satan? Yes
Do you worship Satan? NO..NEVER!
Do you think he is good or bad? BAD...of course!
How many times have you cried today? Zero
What made you cry the first time? Nothing because I wasn't crying
What are you thinking right now? These dumb ass questions on this survey!
Do you hate being asked the same question three times? YEAH...WHO DOESN'T!
Do you hate being asked the same question three times? WHAT!
Do you hate being asked the same question three times? LOL!!!
Ha-ha sorry, do you forgive me? Yeah, sure...why not!
If you could have one wish what would it be? I wish good health and prosperity for me, my family, my boyfriend, my friends, and my enemies.
Okay fine you can have one more: WEALTH!
Who or what do you see when you close your eyes? Sometimes my dad.
Are you in love? Yes I am.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes a boyfriend
What’s there name? Bradford
Where did you meet? At a SCSU football game
How long have you known each other? 1 year and 2 months
Would you want to spend the rest of your life with them? Can't imagine my life without him...
What time is it? 10:08 p.m.
Why don’t pigs fly? I don't get it...
Why do you fill these out? BOREDOM
Did you like this survey? Yeah it was cool
Why do I put that in if I may never know what you think? I don't know
What is your favorite month? August
What is your favorite holiday? My birthday...THAT IS A NATIONAL HOLIDAY!
What is your favorite season? Summer
Do you want this to be over with? Yes..lol
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