R.I.P PIMP C profile picture


About Me

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Every Question that Could Possibly be Asked
Name:: Ashley
Age:: 21
Height:: 5'4
Weight:: 190
Hometown:: lake charles
Occupation:: Personal care taker/student
Siblings:: NO
Pets:: NO
Marital Status::
Shoe Size:: 10
Color:: Baby Blue
Food:: Pizza
Number:: 21
Car:: Nissan Altima 08
Truck:: N/A
Animal:: Dog
Author:: N/A
Saying/Quote:: GET IT BITCH
Teletubby:: POE
Boy's Name:: N/A
Girl's Name:: M/A
Restaurant:: RYANS
Season:: SUMMER
Flavor of Gum:: BUBBLE YUM
Kitchen Appliance:: STOVE
Time of Day:: NIGHT
About Movies/TV
Favorite Movie:: GHOST RIDER
Least Favorite Movie:: N/A
Movie You Saw Most Recently:: N/A
Oldest Movie You Ever Watched:: N/A
Favoritie TV Show:: MONK
Least Favorite TV Show:: FRIENDS
Favorite Cartoon Character:: SCOOBY DOO
Movie You Secretly Enjoy:: N/A
Most Suspenseful Movie:: CRASH
Do you watch American Gladiators?: NO
TV Show You Watch in Secret:: SWEETLIFE OF ZACK AND CODY
Sexiest Actor/Actress:: MORRIS CHESTNUT
Funniest Actor/Actress:: CHRIS TUCKER
Best Nick @ Nite Show:: N/A
How many movies do you own?: 100
Have you ever gone a whole day without watching TV?: NO
Favorite Sporting Event to Watch:: ICE SKATING
Best MTV Show:: N/A
Musical Category
Your Favorite Band Is:: MAROON 5
A Band You Cannot Stand Is:: N/A
What's the best song out there?: DROP AND GIVE ME 50
And the worst song ever created?: N/A
Complete this sentence-- The best genre of music is:: R&B
Drums or Guitars?: DRUMS
Favorite Person from a Band:: ALL OF THEM
Isn't Britney Spears awesome?: YES
Any tear-jerking songs?: NO
When nobody's around, what song do you secrectly listen to?: NOTHING
In a 24-hour span, approximately how much music do you listen to?: ALOT
What's the best musical?: N/A
Do your parents have good taste in music?: YES
All About Your Life In School
Your GPA (grade point average):: 2.5
What class did you enjoy the most?: HISTORY
Class you couldn't stand:: MATH
Which teacher was the niftiest?: N/A
Which teacher was really uncool?: N/A
Which mock election categories did you win an emmy for?: N/A
Who'd you take to prom?: COLBY CELESTINE
Be honest. Did you sleep in class?: YES
Be even more honest. Did you ever skip class?: YES
Recess was the coolest time of the day, wasn't it?: YES
Were you a bully?: NO
Were you bullied?: NO
Was school an enjoyable event for you?: YES
Did you find sex education to be awkward?: NO
Which field trip did you most enjoy?: 8TH GRADE
What was the most important thing you learned?: N/A
Ooh la la... Q's About the Opposite Gender
Which eye color do you prefer?: BROWN
And hair color?: BLACK
Best personality trait:: N/A
Introverted or Extroverted:: EXTROVERTED
Ideal height:: 6'0
Ideal weight:: 130
Pick one-- Long Hair or Short Hair:: SHORT HAIR
White or Black:: DOESN'T MATTER
Funny or Scholarly:: FUNNY
Are tattoos sexy?: YES
Hot or Not-- Piercings:: NOT
Biggest Turn-On:: YES
Biggest Turn-Off:: NO
Important Questions Regarding Your Room
Does your room contain a television?: YES
And a DVD/HD DVD/Blu ray Player?: DVD
How about a VCR?: YES
Does it have a CD player?: YES
Or a cassette player?: YES
Or an 8-track player?: NO
Perhaps you have a record player. Yes?: YES
Do you have a computer?: YES
Total number of clocks:: 5
Any wooden furniture?: YES
Wall Color:: WHITE
Carpet Color:: NONE
Ceiling Color:: WHITE
What size is your bed?: FULL
Most unusual thing in your room:: YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW
# of windows:: 1 BIG ONE
Are there any gaming systems in there?: NO
Quick! Name something in your room that is blue.: BED SPEAD
You gotta a phone?: NO
How about posters?: NONE
Some Random, Off-the-Wall Q's
What is the best car air freshener ever invented?: N/A
Would you daye somebody who only had three fingers on one hand?: THREE FINGERS
Are pinatas cool?: NO
What is cactus in its plural form?: CACTU'S
Do you wear corrective lenses?: YES
Do you think root beer floats are tasty?: YES
Have you ever been to Ireland?: NN
Do you collect anything?: YES
Have you ever hidden a person under your bed?: NO
Have you ever found a sand dollar?: NO
Have you ever eaten a whole package of Oreos at one time?: YES
Do you consider yourself a good drawer?: NO
Can you play the piano?: NO
When was the last time you ate a banana?: I DON;T KNOW
Did you believe in the boogeyman when you were a child?: YES
Do you still believe in the boogeyman?: NO
Have you ever won a contest?: NO
What is the worst sound in the world?: SOMEONE FIRTIN
Have you ever played with donimos?: YES
Have you ever tried to flush a cat down the toilet?: NO
Are you good at accents?: YES
This is the final question... Now what are you going to do?: GO TO SLEEP
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