LIXY profile picture


About Me

My name is Lixy, yeah, check it out. So I write hip hop music and have been incredibly fortunate with the amount of assistance in making this music a reality. My beats come from a variety of very talented musicians who have helped me along the way. I represent Spruce Goose Records LLC and have ties throughout the Northern Colorado hiphop music scene. I'm just some white girls whos got a flow. Thank you for stopping in, listening, the praise, the hate and the time.

My Interests


Member Since: 05/08/2006
Band Members: LIXY
I am always Collaborating. Without these other Artists I would be absolutly no where. All my love and thanks to
Otem Rellik, Observatory, Grieves, Gesus, and all the other people that support me in ways I cant begin to describe!

I am always looking for new people to make music with. Whether you sing, play any instrument, have turntables, are interested in writing, PLEASE CONTACT ME! I WOULD LOVE TO WORK WITH YOU!
Influences: people. places. cities. towns. emotion. colors. life.
Sounds Like: Any feeling you could ever encounter on 10 hits of exstacy.
Type of Label: Major

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