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Funny Videos
SOMEONE i can just have a good time with and honestly cares about me and most importantly is honest from the start...
is freaking awesome
You Got Served~ Hide and Seek~ Godsend~ Little Nicky~ Monsters INC~ Finding Nemo~ Garden State~ Thirteen~ Blue Crush~ Taxi~ Eurotrip~ ummmmmmmmmm nd others that i can't rmember at the moment!!
Viva La Bam~ Family Guy~ One Tree Hill~ Gilmore Girls~ 7th Heaven~ ER~ Real Word~ Battle of the Sexes! Inferno~ TRL!!!
Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts
This SMUCK right here is a total wench, but she's always got my back...even if i have a dream bout her gettin run over by a bus brutally and she threatens to push me over a dog..we love each other so much..we've been best friends from the begining and will b till the end....we had a fucking crazy trip to georgia last summer nad this summer will top it...i love her like no other and i hope she always knows thatI ♥
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