~ Tabitha ~ profile picture

~ Tabitha ~

I am here for Friends

About Me

http://360.yahoo.com/brokenroadjourneyHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMM Ok let's get the basics out of the way first. 1. NO, I do not own a cam. 2. No even if I did I will not strip in front of it. 3. I have access to blue lights, NOT GREEN CARDS. 4. I am a single mom, 5. I have a demanding work schedule, 6. I am pale, pudgy, pushing awful dang close to 40- I am not BARBIE – but I am more self confident and secure with myself than any of those skinny little bitches that always need reassurance.. . and I am sure this list will expand as time goes by.. . .. so if ya have a problem with any of those . . . then be off with ya now and go with wind! * * * * * * * *I like anything shamrock related, and look forward to getting my first tattoo of some in the spring. I am 5' 8'' and just smidge more. Although I am part Indian along with my Irish descent, you would never know it by my pale complexion... but you can tell by my fiesty nature. Although the years have given me the great ability to control and focus my temperament which was something my youth was not blessed with, there are times when it is easily apparent it is in my nature. * * * * * * * *I am a country kind of gal and not a city slicker, but I did grow up there, and I can acclimate to that environment – but sometimes I choose not to. I am a totally NON DRAMA woman. I deal with stupid BS like that via my profession and I refuse to tolerate it in my personal life. I HAVE NO PATIENCE FOR LIARS. I am fully capable of articulating myself without deception, or speculation, and with brutal honesty. If you are not able to deal with complex answers – don’t ask complex questions. Nothing in life is hardly ever as plain as black and white, except ignorance – life exists in shades of gray through living color. * * * * * * * * *I work hard in a professional occupation that gets little respect, little pay, lots of stress and lots of abusive long hours. Some things you do because you love them, some things you do because you are good at it – for me this is both. My coworkers ROCK!!!!!! I have been in the law enforcement field for over 10 years which for some reason seems to surprise a lot of people… * * * ** ** **found this layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotCommentsMy life has been a series of adventures, and I pray it stays that way till the end of my days. I long for what some perceive as an unrealistic ideal – but life can be what you make of it and I aspire to attain my dreams. I want romance and reality, passion and peace, serenity and laughter. AND I HAVE FOUND ALL THOSE THINGS IN THE ONE MAN THAT MY WORLDS CENTERS AROUND...Although sometimes my writings are incorrectly viewed as melancholy, that is generally NOT the case. I do have a deeper train of thought which sometimes, ok well often goes askew . . . but I see things from many different perspectives, and I hold all emotions deeply tangible. I get silly and love to laugh, but not everyone can grasp my sense of humor or the things I can find ironic humor in…. occupational hazard I suppose. * * * * * * * *I have every intention of returning to Ireland next year, and the reasons are varied and intricate, and the journey will be full of joy and heartfelt meaning. This time it will be a path of healing and not a path of destruction. WICKLOW IS PROMINENT.

My Blog

The Bald Monkey

The following script took place over about 32 hours, beginning at the start of one 12 hour shift, continuing through the 12 hours off, and the culminating during the next 12 hour shift. Now bear in mi...
Posted by ~ Tabitha ~ on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 04:28:00 PST


OMG, Some of these are hilarious!!! For SaleOne (1) Wife, slightly used, 1964 Model Date: 2008-04-14, 2:09AM PDT Needs muffler, as it is currently VERY LOUD. Intake valve is stuck in the open posi...
Posted by ~ Tabitha ~ on Thu, 15 May 2008 03:35:00 PST


This weekend went by so fast - it was the weekend following my 40th birthday, as well as my sisters surgery, and we decided to take the kids down to the beach and this will be Lyndons first time going...
Posted by ~ Tabitha ~ on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 01:16:00 PST


Just in case. . . here are a few more, click on any one of these to get to where the whole kit and kaboodle are posted on Picasa. Thats me sitting in the Priests alcove, patiently waiting for everyo...
Posted by ~ Tabitha ~ on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 05:43:00 PST


Posted by ~ Tabitha ~ on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 07:02:00 PST

Some wedding photos & the ceremonial script

We don’t have the majority of the pictures yet of the wedding ceremony, but here are a few of them snapped from my sisters little camera, and more will be forthcoming in the next week or two... ...
Posted by ~ Tabitha ~ on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 09:13:00 PST


We took the kids to Friendship Park, to let Lyndon run amuk on the expanse of concrete and grass around the fountain. He had a blast but the sun was a bit bright, and he would pitch a fit and thr...
Posted by ~ Tabitha ~ on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 08:28:00 PST

Okefenokee Pageant photos (Circa 1991)

This is a photo of my daughter, and myself in the background, when she was not quite five years old taken as she was just about to go on stage for the Miss St. George Pageant, in St. George Georgia wh...
Posted by ~ Tabitha ~ on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 08:12:00 PST


Here is the Castle in the daytime from Main Street... And here is one of the Main Street shops all decorated for the Christmas season.. Victoria splashing around in Ariels Grotto... ...
Posted by ~ Tabitha ~ on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 06:55:00 PST

Contest to find name for Grandmother&

I need help in researching and finding names, which reflect the title of "Grandmother" or "Mother", or any name in any language, which is used to refer to the elder women, respected within a family, t...
Posted by ~ Tabitha ~ on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 06:29:00 PST