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Websites: ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ***This space specially is for Dagoba fans, dedicated to this awesome French band. It's about the band and members, my stuff, fans and concerts. I guess I'm the first Dutch Dagoba Fan who made this and I am proud of it! I saw the band for the first time in Amsterdam, on June 28th 2004. Thanks to Fear Factory they were support act of the Archetype Tour. When I heard the song "Another Day" I fell in love with their music, the show really rocked my socks off! What a great show! Normally I'm not excited about support acts, but this band made my heart beat faster. Later I searched on the Internet for my lovely song "Another Day" and the first thing I saw was a chocolate page: "Dagoba Chocolate, an organic brand of chocolate."******Not much later I saw oriental things when I typed for Dagoba, it seemed it has to do with temples.************Not forgetting the Star Wars movies: "Dagobah, the fictional planet from the Star Wars universe."Dagobah is both a planet and the system in which it resides, in the Star Wars universe. It appears in the films The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. It also makes an appearance in a deleted scene from Revenge of the Sith. And really... I love the Star Wars Movies too!!But not much about this French band at that time (now they kill you on Internet :)) The more I looked and searched, the more I became addicted. Finally I found their website and started to mail with the band. I got in contact with Shawter, the singer. He always mailed me back and I'm still gratefull to him, he kept me updated and posted. Very nice!Later that year they came back to Amsterdam; December 3th as support act of Samael. To tell the truth... a friend and I only came for Dagoba, we saw a few songs of Samael and then left the building ;) I was sure now...I was fan of this band. Holland had to deal with this hell on earth, they put their name on our festivals and they take care nobody here ever forget them.Also I like their band name DAGOBA, even it was only I love chocolate and oriental things!********** Show Review I found on Internet of Fear Factory Dagoba - Melkweg Amsterdam (NL) - 28/06/04:"For many shows I had the feeling that people were coming only to see the headlining act, so that it was often really quiet when the support act had to start off. But it is clear that there is not just a small band playing tonight (and that was not only because of the large number of people that came to see the band, no, it was also because of the really strict policy with respect to camera’s, recordings, and so forth: nothing was allowed, which was announced by signs on almost each pillar in the venue).Support act of this night was Dagoba from France. I had never heard of them before, only had a glimpse at their website earlier that day. Beginning their set with an intro that sounded mysterious, almost like if you were in a haunted place. But soon after that the band showed that they were not a kind of gothic of black metal band. No, their smashing and deafening sound was a really heavy industrial sound. This was the perfect support act for a Fear Factory show! Dagoba’s main focus seemed to be at playing as loud and as overwhelming as possible (if was someone in the crowd who was almost asleep before the show, than that was certainly over after Dagoba’s songs...). Sometimes the songs are a little simple and monotonous (not too complex), but the performance was really tight and impressing the crowd. Generally speaking, think of Static X, Mudvayne and Fear Factory, but sometimes with vocals that resemble Machine Head. But bands like Slipknot and Chimaira could also be mentioned. Although Dagoba does wake up the crowd, I have the feeling that the people in De Melkweg are not fully into the music yet. Maybe they are saving their strengths for the headliner of this night?"Melkweg The Max: Fear Factory / Dagoba 20.30 hrs / doors: 19.45 hrs € 17,00 membership ********** Fear Factory en Dagoba, op 28 juni 2004, in AmsterdamEen review door Bas Verbeek"Na de hereniging en een nieuw album is logischerwijs Fear Factory aan toeren toe. Voorgaande weken te zien geweest op Waldrock, Graspop en in Weert, vanavond in de Melkweg in Amsterdam.In het interview sprak Burton er nog over. Dagoba, de Franse band die een hoog Fear Factory-gehalte in zijn geluid heeft zitten. Het zal geen toeval zijn dat deze band vanavond als voorprogramma dient. Mensen haasten zich in de hal als er geluid in de zaal klinkt; is Fear Factory al bezig?Nee dus. Maar na even de aandacht te hebben geschonken aan deze band is het helemaal geen kloon. De industriële samples en de stuiterende gitaar op drum laten wel merken dat Fear Factory een groot voorbeeld is. Maar deze overtuigende bak metal zorgt niet alleen daarmee voor moshpits. Er is geen sprake van galmende emoties zoals in Fear Factory, maar constant direct beuken met moderne metal, met industrial en metalcore. Sepultura meets Fear Factory kan je ook wel zeggen. Dit alles is strak en prima in orde, maar mist wat eigen geluid om echt te blijven hangen."************And this year, in 2006, they were here again for gigs, I was so happy! Thanks to Shawter and Isa (their manager) I was able to meet them in Eindhoven on March 21th!! :D Awesome!! I am still happy about that! I spent for more than 3 hours with this band, they were amazing, friendly, social, nice and funny. We had a talk and few drinks, they signed my CD "What Hell Is About", I made some pics, I had the time of my life. It was a great experience. Also I saw Sepultura and InFlames backstage because they were all touring together. Later that night I finally met Rudi, a guy from "Aardschok", a Dutch metal magazine (see elsewhere here on my page). He met the guys before in Paris for an interview, I saw his article on his page so I wrote him a note. We had fun with the members and after that I went home satisfied and happy with all my Dagoba things. But before I left, Franky, the drummer, invited me for the show in Antwerp for April 1st 2006. He put me on the guestlist and there I was again in Belgium! Also a GREAT show overthere and nice Belgium people. Later in 2006, on October 27th and 29th, they came back to Holland (Isaac called it "Dutchland" :)) and again I was on the guestlist. I felt like a honoured member ;) I will write a report about that soon, I want to mention that this band is so involved and concern with their fans...they let us know and feel we are important and that they are happy with us and love their fans. Last time they gave me lots of merchandise as presents, I felt honoured, really. I've never seen such band who's so dedicated and thankful with their fans as Dagoba but they know we are dedicated to them. And I want to thank everyone of Dagoba, also the staff, all the people around them for made this all happen and possible! We love you!
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Dagoba - Louva
Werther at Willemeen Arnhem Holland 27/10/2006Wall of Death
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