Lets Laugh The Night Away ??????? profile picture

Lets Laugh The Night Away ???????

Dont...Tell Me What I want To Hear.

About Me

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Im exotic, impressive and unforgettable. Basically Im AMAZING... thatz all U really need to know.
I LOVE this PLACE <33
L'Amour Toujours -Gigi D'Agostino
"Because I will live To love you someday"
MOHAWK ->He is the restitution for my SANITY. No words could ever express my LOVE for him. He is the only reason i come home everyday, cuz i know he waitz for me. What we have is beyong most could understand. He means the world to me. He will be there for me till death do us apart.
I AM: Francia
I LOVE: Life
I HATE: Lies
I HOPE: for happiness
I FEEL: unstoppable
I WEAR: high heels when i exercise
I LIKE: gay guyz better than straight guyz
I HURT: myself so you can’t
I FEAR: failure and rejection
I BREAK: myself apart
I LONG: for success
I LISTEN: to what you don’t say
I BELIEVE: in the impossible
I HIDE: for my own protection
I PLAY: with life
I BREATHE: in your every word
I MISS: the only friend I once had
I SAY: I’m ok but don’t really mean it
I DREAM: to escape reality
I WAIT: for the day till I’m complete
I NEED: to lose weight
I THINK: about so much that I never tell anyone
LOVE is such a beautiful thing...
the language of love is not words but feelings and meaning.
I LOVE nature, animals, but most of all life itself. There is SO much I want to LEARN and EXPERIENCE.I want to travel to AFRICA, AUSTRALIA, BRASIL, COSTA RICA, the FIJI ISLANDS and much MORE!!! Im very open minded about everything music, race, cultures just life.I believe there is beauty, a reason and purpose in everything. Im naive and gullible, but not STUPID!! I LOVE music!!!!!, all kinds of music especially 80s I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the 80s like no other!!, i listen to anything that can feed my spirit in any way. Dancing is one of the things i enjoy the most, which is the outcome of the connection between the music and my spirit :). Im an EXTRAVERT, very outgoing, social. I LOVE to have FUN, LAUGH and have a good time. Then again i also like being by myself to get in touch with my inner self, meditate and MOST of all DAYDREAM and get lost in my imagination, and then laugh about it when i come back to reality :). I CAN be VERY shy!!!only if i have a CRUSH on you and for any reason you INTIMIDATE me!! but i get over it once i start to feel comfortable. Im a HOPELESS ROMANTIC!!!!!!!! very caring, sensitive, emotional and EXTREMELY HONEST, loyal and trustworthy. I have respect for those who are not afraid to speak their MINDS!!! oh yeah and i have the WEIRDEST eating habits!!!!! but i keep them to myself (never in public unless im comfortable enough and i know im not embarrassing you!!!)


I see myself, my culture, my History
Loving someone is giving them the power to destroy you and trusting them not to.
Anyone can catch your eyes but it takes someone special to catch your heart.
What we see depends mainly on what we look for.
Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Love is not blind - It sees more and not less, but because it sees more it is willing to see less.
Love isn't about finding the perfect person, but learning to love an imperfect person perfectly. <3

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

well anyone who loves life as much as i do and with a good peace of mind. Anyone who is ready to bust missions and live new adventures. Who is ready to go out laugh, dance, mosh, scream, cry or simpli just talk. And sorry but if ur concept of having fun is simpli drinking and getting high umm yeah i think ur a LOOSER! Wise and Knowledgeable people are usually my favorite. I love it when someone has something to teach me or when they can encourage/inspire me. I love a good conversation.

My Blog

Francia AKA

....Ok so many people that are very close to me or Family have a special name for me as in nicknames. So I was thinking on my way home right now, "OMG! People call me all sorts of names!" I like it He...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Mar 2010 21:56:00 GMT


..I mean SERIOUSLY these guyz r by far the 3 MOST GORGEOUS men on earth it doesnt get any better than thisgods gift to womenok ok maybe gods gift to me, or to my eyesthe 1st one - MY HUSBAND-  I LOVE ...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 15:29:00 GMT

BirthDAy Party!!!!

So i celebrated my 20th Birthday!!  ugh...im getting OLD!  lol  I  Just wanted to thank everyone who  came last nite!!  It was AMAZING!!  It couldn't have been ...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 01:24:00 GMT

I wish i could go back....

i wish i was differenti wish i didnt carei wish i could forget and just erase everything out of my mindi wish i was somewere elsesomewhere far were noone knew me somewere were i could start all over a...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Mar 2006 02:08:00 GMT

long live THE REPUBLIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday my baby sis and i celebrated her B-DAY together. I picked her up and i took her shopping, We had a blast. We spent quality time and money in Victoria's Secrets and in other stores buying mak...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 14:42:00 GMT