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Arising Through the Darkness

" The Darkness is My Realm, and I am the Hunter, my prize.............your Soul"

About Me

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I got this Sexy Comment from!I'm still a kid at heart,and haven't yet figured out what to do when I grow up. Still trying to get to Sturgis. Know I will make it some day. I have a wild and dark imagination and hope to write a book some day. Quiet, semi-shy and yet unpredictable, I am a virtual Chimera.I am an artistic person but haven't done much with that lately. Would like to learn to do tats. I love to read and watch movies and ride my Harley (2005 Softail Standard). I love my kids and I am proud of all three. My wife is the best friend I could ever have. A red-headed, green-eyed muse with a firey temper that does her best to keep me in line( or at least tries to). Our oldest boy is in the Army and after coming back from Korea is with a TRADOC unit. The next oldest boy is a senior a Albertsons College and is going to be a dentist. Our youngest, my daughter is an intelligent and artistic free spirit still trying to discover herself and having a ball doing it. I am truely "BLESSED"
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My Interests

Riding Harleys, Cooking, Hunting and Fishing, My Girl!!!(Green Eyes, Red Hair, Awesome Smile), Tattoos. Reading, Writing (Read my Blogs and comment"please", I know they are weird but ...)
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I'd like to meet:

Eliza Swenson/Victoria Mazze, Sean Connery, Christpher Lambert, Faith hill, Jesse James, members of "The Divine Madness", Toby Keith, Julianne Moore, the Tuttles (OCC), Milla Jovovich, Torrie Wilson, Lance Herickson, Stan Lee, The Undertaker...
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Almost everything, Eagles, Chris Rea, Santana, Corrs, "Ozzy", David Allen Coe, Meatloaf, "Pink Floyd.."The Divine Madness"...Tori Amos...A Perfect Circle, Johnny Cash.... I like MUSIC, as long as it "IS MUSIC". You can't just scream at me and expect me to enjoy it.
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Beyond the Law, The Crow, Easy Rider, X-men, Resident Evil I & II, Draculas Curse, Jeepers Creepers, Wrong Turn, VanHelsing, ......
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I got this Sexy Comment from!Smallville, Hells Kitchen, Stargate, the old version of The Nightstalker, Roswell, Supernatural......
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Horror...., Fantasy....Laural K. Hamalton, King, Drake Koontz, Burroughs, the list goes on and on.....
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The Crow, Constantine, Beowulf, Van Helsing (Hugh Jackmans Character); all creatures of fiction with terrible secrets, a dark history, and a conflicted conscience. Fictional Heroes don't let you down.... Michael Crawford- for following his heart.
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My Blog

Always the Guardian

I watch from above, patient and ready, alert to the single tear that rolls down her face.I stand, poised to strike down the offender, and bleed him for his calouse cruelty.I reach out, to brush away t...
Posted by Arising Through the Darkness on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 09:27:00 PST

Even the evil know to fear

She walks the dark halls in complete confidence, no fear, no hesitation. It is she who rules this realm and no one else can touch her. The mere mention of her name send her subjects into fits of tremb...
Posted by Arising Through the Darkness on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 10:35:00 PST

Just some thoughts, not my usual weird shit.

I stopped by and met my wife and some of her friends at a local sportrs pub the other day. It was just after I had had a bad flare up of RA and was still a little under the weather. As we sat and talk...
Posted by Arising Through the Darkness on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 10:45:00 PST

Adrift in Emerald depths

....slowley my eyes open and begin to focus. I am surrounded by warmth and the abundance of soft sound. Lying upon my back, I look up into the emerald depths of leaves and branches that allow little l...
Posted by Arising Through the Darkness on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 10:07:00 PST

She Haunts My Mind

.....first I hear the voice. It draws across the room as if in a trance. I cannot seem to pull myself from its hypnotic touch. It fills my very being with warmth and energy, a sense of well being and ...
Posted by Arising Through the Darkness on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 08:59:00 PST

Darkness Decends

Like millions of black silken wings the darkness decends around me. Not so simple as the fall of night, but also the coming of that which is black within my being. Now is its' time to rise and take co...
Posted by Arising Through the Darkness on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 09:52:00 PST

Gasping for breath

... I awake with a start, and see the little bastard sitting on my chest. How can such a small thing weigh so much! I can't seem to catch my breath and begin to gasp for air. Summoning all the strengt...
Posted by Arising Through the Darkness on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 09:59:00 PST

The Demon Inside (My Story?)

.....and so I sit here, pain coursing through my limbs. The doctors try with all their "modern" medicines to cure my disease, but I know the truth. How it came to gain a foot hold in my body I will pr...
Posted by Arising Through the Darkness on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 10:10:00 PST


...I hear their screams far off in the darkness. The sound of their leathery wings stroking the air current is like the sound of wet sheets hung to dry in the wind. I move quietly through the stand of...
Posted by Arising Through the Darkness on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 08:55:00 PST

The Begining and the Gray Man

As I sit here in my sanctum before a crackling  fire, a snifter of strong brandy in hand, I ease myself back into the comfort of the big padded leather chair and gaze into the glowing embers...
Posted by Arising Through the Darkness on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:16:00 PST