.:Aly:. 回国了 .::. very annoyed by my lil cous profile picture

.:Aly:. 回国了 .::. very annoyed by my lil cous

Dont change with life, just change life.

About Me


**updates and randome quotes

Your Element Is Air
You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.

Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.

You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that! What's Your Element?

My Interests

Art.( duh! if this is no on the list, you have my permision to shoot me)
Stare out the window
drink rose tea boba in a hot summer day
Sleep in during weeks in my soft cushiony bed
jump around in the snow (finaly i get to see snow in rhode island) and many silly things that are too embarrassing to talk about xD

I'd like to meet:

Create your own Friend Quiz here

http://www.myheritage.comBTW Matsushima Nanako is the Ring girl...=P


Arigadou--card capture sakura (wow memories...) Lyric Translation: The clouds flow. The wind begin to sing
With this way side that I was always running
A still white floweres bloom and laughing

But it does not stop, like my heart is clogged up
I love the present, but it will always pass...
The sky is like a piece of the dream in which I cried a long time ago

Even peacefulness which floats lightly
and uneasiness which makes a tear spill
They should be connected to the important future

Even when tomorrow comes, even when someday you become an adult
please surely remember. You do not forget that you were here
Please never forget, even when you are in the end in this large world
For still beautiful present,
I thank you, everythings

The moon is illuminated. The wind is sleeping
In sky of this town at which we were always laughing
the shooting star has still fulfilled the wishes

But I don't understand I don't want us to ever part
for as long as time passes, I don't want to separat from you
It seems to be the bookmark in the book read yesterday

Even glitter yearning
and the saddest feeling
They should be connected to the important future

A season should pass up. Even if you are in some town
which is not known
It surely spreads that we've been here
Don't forget all the time that
it began from this small place quietly
I thank you, everythings

The ship which put the dream leaves memory
We'll meet again
For now, let's smiling

Even if it's for a long long time, even if you go
somewhere to a distance
I want you to surely tell me
I want you to never forget that I had been here
No matter where you are in this large world
These my feelings will never disappear
I thank you, everythings

Thank you for all your tenderness
Thank you for all your happiness
Thank you for all your kindness
Thank you for all your everything...





Project Runway, Ghost Hunters, Iron Chef (the japanese one), Top Chef, The Big Bang Theroy. ( everyone should watch all of them!!!!!!)
if maple kombat counts...o_o


best book ever!!!!!


well all my friends...DUH! they are the most loving ppl on earth! i dont care what you say. MINE ARE THE BEST!=P
i hate to say this...but my parents....yea...i know i know..i always say i hate them sooo much. but sometimes i cant help to think about the things they did for me...
while i dont love them as parents...i still admire them as people, they are good people.

BECCA AND JO!!!! i love you guys...T-T even though you always make me feel bad...but I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
with out you...i would prabably be begging for meso to get equips by now...=P
RONNIE AND VICTOR~~~~~ THEY WILL BE MY BESTEST FRIENDS FOREVER! (dont worry jane, you are a given.)

My Blog

What do you want from us?

What do you want from us? - A Poem Dedicated to the last 150 years of this planet. By a Slient, Silent Chinese.When We were called Sick man of Asia, We were called The Peril.When We are billed to be t...
Posted by .:Aly:. Þý† .::. very annoyed by my lil cousin on Mon, 19 May 2008 12:02:00 PST


Posted by .:Aly:. Þý† .::. very annoyed by my lil cousin on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 03:41:00 PST

I was never good enough

I was never good enough for my dad. part of me wants to make him proud...but part of me just want to do what i want to do. sometimes i feel like he doesnt even care about me...he has no respect toward...
Posted by .:Aly:. Þý† .::. very annoyed by my lil cousin on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 09:38:00 PST

what im thinking when im looking at your profile

well...not really...that title is just to get you in here..=Papparently you fell for it... well.... looking at some old friends picture (i think you prabably know who im talking about...if you are the...
Posted by .:Aly:. Þý† .::. very annoyed by my lil cousin on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 08:30:00 PST


how is this story life changing?!?!?!? well....... if you got 2 of your teeth taken out....its gonna change your life.....cuz it freaking hurts...and you cant eat anything...so you are gonna starve fo...
Posted by .:Aly:. Þý† .::. very annoyed by my lil cousin on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 07:24:00 PST

to my friends.....i guess......

everyone is different from each other, i know that...but sometimes i cant help to compare me with other people, other totally different people.some people are just born with intellegents, some dont. e...
Posted by .:Aly:. Þý† .::. very annoyed by my lil cousin on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 09:10:00 PST


some people just think they are sooo much better than otherswell guess what! YOU ARE NOT!!!!!you guys are just bunch of rude brainless know it all and straight up fools, too bad you dont know ANYTHING...
Posted by .:Aly:. Þý† .::. very annoyed by my lil cousin on Mon, 20 Mar 2006 05:11:00 PST

MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!FEB.26!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yea....basicly like what the title said.......=P yay for me~!
Posted by .:Aly:. Þý† .::. very annoyed by my lil cousin on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 08:14:00 PST


HEHE~~ my first time skiing~~~ yay melol it was lot of fun, tho i didnt take any pic of my ski...=Pi fell like million times!(trace: me too!!) hahai twisted my knee...so yea i only skied one day...tha...
Posted by .:Aly:. Þý† .::. very annoyed by my lil cousin on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 08:38:00 PST

to my brother...>_<

Ç×°®µÄÀϸç(¶ñ!) ÄãTMDËÀµ½ÄÄÀïÈ¥ÁË!!!¸øÎÒ³öÀ´³öÀ´³öÀ´³öÀ´³öÀ´!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!
Posted by .:Aly:. Þý† .::. very annoyed by my lil cousin on Sat, 12 Nov 2005 08:35:00 PST