.. Steve Ferrell's Profile
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I always drive properly. A bit fast, perhaps, but always with consummate skill and a natural feel for the road that even cops recognize. No cop was ever born who isn't a sucker for a finely-executed hi-speed Controlled Drift all the way around one of those cloverleaf freeway interchanges.
Myths and legends die hard in America. We love them for the extra dimension they provide, the illusion of near-infinite possibility to erase the narrow confines of most men's reality. Weird heroes and mould-breaking champions exist as living proof to those who need it that the tyranny of ''the rat race'' is not yet final. ~ Hunter S Thompson
No man is so foolish but he may sometimes give another good counsel, and no man so wise that he may not easily err if he takes no other counsel than his own. He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master. ~ Hunter S Thompson
You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !
You Are Spider-Man
Quick and agile, you have killer instincts (literally).
And that kind of makes up for the whole creepy spider thing.
What Superhero Are You?