Formula is a melodic heavy band
- And four guys in their early twenties...
The band was formed approximately two years ago in Svendborg, Denmark...
Before Formula Kristoffer, Jeppe and Jonas had played together in about 5 years on a school kind of level...
When they transferred to upper secondary school, they desperately needed a bass-player, so they persuade Mathias (A dear friend of theirs) to try if he could undertake the bass thing, and he succeeded...
Through upper secondary school the band preformed at many different occasions, and also preformed in a contest with great success...
Through the last two years the band has made a number of songs, forgotten them and made new songs (probably better ones).
Very recently the band has recorded their first demo with the three singles: Blown Away, The Flood and Baron (No Theme song).
Within a short time span the band intend to record more numbers and to make updated versions of the numbers on the demo.
So stay tuned :D , drop a comment, add us or just enjoy our music...
All the great numbers on this site, is recorded in Arne Lund's studio...
-Arne Lund, a man we couldn't have done it with out... thank you man! :D