I am not that brave
Sometimes I need to hear you whisper
"Everything's O.K... You'll be fine
I'll help you find your way..."
Hey all, I'm Anneka. All round fun gal, once you get to know me. To strangers, I used to be that shy timid girl that will just smile sweetly and whisper a hello or just stay quiet all together. But since I joined this theatrics group. (Which I must say - They are fantastic!) My confidence has steadily grew. To which Im currently acting as the main role. Ah. Shit scared but hey, I gotta do it. I love it. Someday, I hope to fly away from Peterborough and go to live in Ventnor, Isle of Wight. I love that place! Haven't been? Go!
I'm 17 years old, another few days till my 18th birthday. To which I still haven't a clue what I want. Im trying to coax my parents round to getting me a puppy. Well, at 18, you've got your own independance and can commit yourself to caring for it-