Marriage and How to Avoid It by Guy Blews profile picture

Marriage and How to Avoid It by Guy Blews

About Me
Written to stimulate the mind of anyone who ever questioned their upbringing, Marriage & How To Avoid It is an intentionally honest and brutal look at the world's biggest institution
A cheeky, witty, well-informed and provocative look at
an age-old institution that is (supposedly) one of the
building blocks of modern society; this book is a light-
hearted look at our intended destination. Buried in a
shallow grave under the humorous text are deeply dark
undertones that seem to make an awful lot of sense.
Marriage: is it worth it? Is it necessary? Is it
outdated? Is it just another item on the shopping list of
life? This book will touch you whether you're 'a true
romantic' or 'an intolerable cynic', and should leave you
with a big smile on your face, or at the very least, a
rather worried and perplexed grin.
Marriage & How To Avoid It is written by Guy Blews, whoseirreverent, no-holds-barred attitude has earned him a huge following, not to mention a presenting slot on Men and Motors’ new makeover show with a difference, All the Gear, No Idea.
From an early age, Guy Blews was subjected to the
perverse Middle England logic that unless he was married
with children by thirty there was something profoundly
wrong with him. He subsequently left England and
committed himself to another life. He currently lives
in Malibu, California, and oddly enough, is still notmarried.
Love and Marriage According To Blews
"You are told that family life is as much a certainty as death; you are not told that family life will probably lead you to your death..."
"What is the difference between a faithful husband and an unfaithful husband? One gets caught"
"There is no trust, love and belief in marriage - if there was, there would be no need for marriage in the first place"
"There is only one way to keep sex going during marriage have an affair"
"If we do not marry, then we do not divorce. And prevention is always better than cure"

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