People who can keep real about things
Open minds and the willingness to learn are essential
Anyone who can pick themselves up after they hit rock bottom
An Ode to my friends
Everyone who has done good
Or just people who are still there for me
Joe + Jenn - You've done so much for me. We've had our times of displeasure towards each other. And even bouts of hatred. But you are still a good friend.
Skylar-You've always been there for me. To pick me up when I was down. I just wish I could have been as good a friend to you.
Mark -So far. It's been pretty cool hangin out with you and killing our sober. :D
Aremethy -You're pretty fucking weird. Especially when you emo scream. But you've been fun to hang out with. The times we did. That is.
Lindsay -You're a good friend. You've always been there. We have a good friendship. Unlike the one I have with anyone else.
-Yeah...This girl is okay. J/k. She's fun to hang out with at bus stops and smoke ciggarettes with. And it does get pretty interesting when her bf gets mad at her for talking to me :D
Tamalyn+Will -They get put together. Because you can't really have one without the other. These are the greatest of two people. They are very accepting. And they will treat you better then anyone else in your life has. Thanks guys
That's really all there is
Thank you everyone. For being you