WOMEN!!! YES I SAID WOMEN. Clubs, Women at the Clubs. Asian Womem. Asian women at the clubs. Asian women at Asian clubs. MMMMMMMM!!!!!!! WOOOMMMMEEENNN! :p_COMPUTERS, COMPUTER NETWORKING, THE GREAT OUTDOORS, MOVIES, CLUBS, DINNING OUT, AND MANY MORE
Honest and fun people who can show me how to have a good time. "I need some-one to hold my hand". I would love to meet a women that can prove me wrong. Women are easy to read and I have never been wrong. Some men would say it is a gift to be able to read women and know what they are thinking, I call it A CURSE! I pray that some day I can be proven Wrong for my sake. But I don't think that will ever happen. I like meeting new people. But, I am not a SEX CRAZED HORN DOG AND JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE A GIRL/WOMAN DOES NOT MEAN I WILL ADD YOU AS A FRIEND.
Dance, Techno, Rave, House, Hip Hop, Classical, Celtic, Synfonic, 80's, 90's, Rock, Heavy Metal, Motown, about every thing
My AUTOBIOGRAPHY, THE 40yr. OLD VIRGIN, HA HA. And several others not just that one.
CarToon Network, Family Guy, Law And Order, Cops, BLIND DATE. A Wedding Story, yes I do watch that, it makes me feel a little happy to see that some-one can find love.
BOOKS? What are those?
You do not need to have special powers to be a Super Hero. You will be surprised to see that there is some-one who thinks you already are a HERO!